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,,�o1a- a9 <br />The Board of Commissioners for the County of Lee, North Carolina met in a regular <br />meeting in the Commissioners' Room at the Lee County Government Center, 106 Hillcrest Drive <br />in Sanford, North Carolina, the regular place of meeting, at 3:00 p.m. on October 1, 2012. <br />bbc,' Oldham. Ckadi irks IJa_-4AAA_ sba cLd _�r)%e,+Re. wA � <br />%ZI w. ( — I <br />Absent: Commissioners <br />Also present: hJJ 1A n& -,e r e r L.1 s �. <br />introduced the following resolution the title of which was read <br />and copies of which had been distributed to each Commissioner: <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF <br />AN INSTALLMENT FINANCING AGREEMENT, A DEED OF TRUST <br />AND RELATED DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE <br />FINANCING OF THE ACQUISITION OF AN EXISTING BUILDING BY <br />THE COUNTY OF LEE, NORTH CAROLINA <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners (the "Board") for the County of Lee, <br />North Carolina (the "County"): <br />Section 1. The Board does hereby find and determine as follows: <br />(a) There exists in the County a need to finance the acquisition of an existing building <br />located at 408 Summitt Drive in Sanford, North Carolina, to be used by the County for <br />administrative purposes (the "Project"). <br />(b) After a public hearing and due consideration, the Board has determined that the most <br />efficient manner of financing the Project will be through the entering of an Installment Financing <br />