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Resolution - 10/07 - Oscar Keller - 421 By-Pass
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Resolution - 10/07 - Oscar Keller - 421 By-Pass
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Board of Commissioners
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2007 - <br />LEE COUNTY <br />noon© aoa . aoa <br />• Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />RESOLUTION BY THE LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />REQUESTING THE BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION NAME A <br />PORTION OF THE 421 BY -PASS FROM US 1 TO NC 42 AROUND SANFORD <br />IN HONOR OF OSCAR A. KELLER, JR. <br />WHEREAS, Oscar A. Keller, Jr., has been a pioneer in the business community for many years <br />contributing in many ways to the improvement of lives in Lee County with noted contributions to <br />the Boys and Girls Club and Central Carolina Community College, and <br />WHEREAS, Oscar A. Keller, Jr., has been a successful entrepreneur, establishing the first <br />nursing home in the state, founding several nursing and retirement homes; founding several <br />banks and serving on the Board of Directors of other banks, and operating home health <br />organizations; and <br />WHEREAS, Oscar A. Keller, Jr., has given back to his community by serving on numerous civic <br />and charitable boards including the Lee County Board of Health, Environmental Health, <br />Recreation, Jury Commission, the Bread Basket, Central Carolina Community Foundation, First <br />Baptist Church, Cool Springs Baptist Church, Jonesboro Masonic Lodge, Sanford Shrine Club, <br />Elks Club, and being a charter member of the Sanford Jaycees, and <br />WHEREAS, Oscar A. Keller, Jr., worked for twenty -five years to advance the 421 by -pass project <br />on the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) and continues to this day to speak weekly with <br />DOT officials about our highway needs and keep the list of Lee County road projects in the sights <br />of government officials responsible for appropriating highway project funds, and <br />WHEREAS, Oscar A. Keller, Jr., advocated the North Carolina Department of Transportation to <br />secure funding for key road projects in Lee County including the Tramway Road widening project <br />at Southern Lee High School; expanding turn lanes for the elementary schools; and the widening <br />and paving of roads at the Lee County Industrial Park, and <br />WHEREAS, Oscar A. Keller, Jr., worked to help secure state funding for the 421 by -pass project, <br />which will have a beneficial impact for moving products and people through our community, and <br />WHEREAS, the Lee County Economic Development Corporation supports this request due to the <br />contributions of Oscar A. Keller, Jr., to the economic viability of the community. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Lee County Board of Commissioners does <br />hereby request that the Board of Transportation name the portion of the 421 by -pass from US 1 to <br />NC 42 around Sanford the Oscar Keller Highway. <br />Adopted this 15'" day of October 2007. <br />A EST: <br />• y II M. Lee, Clerk <br />obert Brown, Ch man <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />
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