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2009 - y <br />JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFOI2D, COUNTY LEE AND <br />TOWN OF BROADWAY RELATIVE TO THE PROPOSED STIMULUS <br />PACKAGE OF 2009 <br />WHEREAS, that as a consequence of the unprecedented economic crisis facing <br />the Nation, and <br />WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the government of the United States will offer <br />to both the States and local governments of our country funding opportunities for projects <br />that can stimulate the economy, create jobs and contribute to infrastructure of our <br />communities, and <br />WHEREAS, the governing bodies of City of Sanford, Lee County and the'l own <br />of Broadway have an opportunity and a responsibility to secure funding for vital projects <br />contributing to the well being of our citizens, and <br />WHEREAS, these governments of same have developed a comprehensive <br />package that potentially fulfill the funding requirements ofthe anticipated stimulus <br />package of United States and the needs of our respective citizens. <br />NOW, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED by the City of Sanford, County of' <br />Lee and Town of Broadway that the attached projects are endorsed andjointly supported <br />by the governing bodies as important in contributing to the physical, environmental and <br />economic quality of life. <br />5� <br />Adopted this day of January, 2009. <br />Cornelia P. Olive, Mayor Bonnic White, City Clerk <br />City of Sanford City <br />of Sanford MAC <br />Rt' chard H Chai a es :: ynell _ ee, Clerk to the oard <br />Lee County Lce County <br />Donald Andrews, Mayor Bob Stevens <br />Town ofII road way Town of'Broadway <br />• <br />