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Resolution - Amended 1/4 Cent Sales Tax
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Resolution - Amended 1/4 Cent Sales Tax
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8/30/2011 10:37:01 AM
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8/30/2011 10:36:00 AM
Board of Commissioners
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2010 - -.3- <br />LEE COUNTY <br />©oQQco O.aaQ <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />AMENDED RESOLUTION LEVYING ONE - QUARTER CENT (114¢) <br />COUNTY SALES AND USE TAX <br />BY THE LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />WHEREAS, the voters in Lee County in an advisory referendum held on November 3, 2009, cast a <br />majority of votes for the levy of a one - quarter cent (1/4¢) county sales and use tax; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners passed a resolution levying the tax designating April 1, 2010, <br />as the date when collection of the tax by the North Carolina Secretary of Revenue shall begin; and <br />WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Assembly passed Section 18 of Session Laws 2009 -445 <br />effective as of August 7, 2009, which required the levy of the tax to comply with the provisions of North <br />Carolina General Statutes Article 39 of Chapter 105; and <br />WHEREAS, under said article it requires that the Secretary of Revenue receive at least 90 days <br />advance notice of a new tax levy and that collection of the tax and liability therefore must begin and <br />continue only on and after the first day of the month of either January or July; and <br />• WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners desires to amend its resolution to conform to the <br />requirements of said article; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Lee County Board of Commissioners as follows: <br />1. That sub - paragraph number (2) in the resolution levying the one - quarter cent (1/4¢) county <br />sales and use tax in Lee County, which was adopted on December 7, 2009, be amended by <br />deleting the word "April' and in lieu and substitution thereof inserting the word "July" so that <br />the amended sub - paragraph reads as follow: "(2) Collection of the tax by the North Carolina <br />Secretary of Revenue, shall begin on and continue after the 1 day of July 2010." In all <br />other respects we ratify and confirm all of the provisions of the resolution adopted on <br />December 7, 2009. <br />2. The Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed to forward to Mr. Kenneth R. Lay, <br />Secretary, North Carolina Department of Revenue, a certified copy of the amended <br />resolution. <br />Adopted this 4` day of January 2010. <br />ATTEST: <br />�O <br />Gayne I M. Lee, Clerk <br />i C_LL 2 2x&, <br />Ri hard B. Hayes, Cha a <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />F <br />
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