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• MINUTES OF SPECIAL ADJOURNED MEETING OF •THE BOARD OF <br /> COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LEE COUNTY <br /> May 15, 1957 <br /> The Board of Commissioners of Lee County met in the Commissioner's <br /> Room at the courthouse in Special Adjourned session on Wednesday, May 15, <br /> 1957 at 1:00 o'clock P. M. , pursuant to motion of adjournment at a special <br /> adjourned meeting held on May 13, 1957. The following members of the <br /> Board were present for dispatch of business. <br /> Commissioners Measamer, Sion H. Kelly and Evander C. Winstead and <br /> Clyde J. Atkins, <br /> Commissioner Percy Measamer presided and the following business was <br /> transacted: <br /> • <br /> The Chairman explained the purpose of the Special Meeting and the urgency <br /> of coming to an early decision with respect to the duty of the county to repair <br /> the present jail or build a new jail. There followed a complete discussion of <br /> the questions confronting the Board with respect to the physical condition of <br /> the Lee County Jail. It was pointed out in the discussion that it would cost the <br /> County approximately $35, 000. 00 to repair the existing jail in order to meet <br /> the minimum North Carolina statutory requirements for the confinement of <br /> Juvenile and female prisoners and that it would cost approximately $135, 000.00 <br /> to construct a new jail meeting minimum statutory requirements. It was <br /> also brought out in the discussion that the sum of approximately $135, 000. 00 <br /> could not be expended by the County without the issuance of bonds. No <br /> formal action was taken by the Board, but it was unanimously agreed that the <br /> question raised would be presented before the various civic and professional <br /> clubs of the county and the City of Sanford. <br /> By unanimous consent of the members present, the Board instructed the <br /> County Attorney to prepare a bill to be introduced into the legislature provided <br /> for submitting to the voters of Lee County at a special election the following <br /> questions: <br /> 1. To determine whether Lee County should be divided into five districts <br /> for the purpose of nominating members of the Board of County Commissioner: - <br /> 2. To determine whether the members of the Board of County <br /> Commissioners of Lee County shall be elected for terms of two years each. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was <br /> adjourned. <br />