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RINVT:N, ,,:' -,.:1%GcL4\fl h},.itIRG <br /> OF <br /> t9404 J OV CO MI 7I1!3 RS <br /> a,titj <br /> LO:R c')UltCY, u0P,T5 CAri;)Lr9A <br /> Monday, tCovember :lnt, 1964 <br /> The regular meeting of the toard of Commissioners <br /> for Leo county. Rorth Carolina, convened at 10115 o' clock A. M. in <br /> the Commissioner' s Room at the Leo County Courthouse. These present <br /> onion the meeting ens called to order wore Chairman 31on I . golly, <br /> Cor*mieaioners JQtua R. Potterer and J. T. Ledttall. Loomireionore <br /> o. cos and Clyde J. Atkins wore aboont. <br /> chairman ;icn A. Keay prerided end the following <br /> business ems trenonotedt <br /> pins iteuy oato1le Doyle, County Uomo .tteneion <br /> oARent, appeared before the Maori and gun A report on activities of <br /> her office. ahe reported that the 14-51 exhibit at the State Pair woe <br /> awarded. a blue ribbon as first premium. <br /> Mr. thomao enielip, County m.atension Chairman, <br /> appeared befo o the s oare3 and goy* a report on the extension programs. <br /> He filed a statistical report on the activitioe of ttie department. <br /> Mr. M.ily L. Price, Assistant Agrioultuval xtenoion Agent wad absent <br /> due to income in hie family. <br /> Kr. J. Chandler Felton. Negieter of Coeds, appeared <br /> before the eonr d and {cave a report on documante registered and fees <br /> received for Ike month of October. <br /> Oleo Mazy 9oott (hurley, librarian, appeared before <br /> the t'•oard and gave a report an the oirsoletion of books daring <br /> t?ctflcr and the activities to connection with national Library "nark. <br /> Mr. Aayrssrnd Ledford, i;irector of moblie Welfare , <br /> rappanrod before the Sosrd and gave a report on the activities of <br /> the Departments of Public welfare. Mr. Ledford told the hoard the <br /> cellars Department could use the old aottrcucesoo foraarly used to <br /> the County LAome in connection with ito homemaker program. Do <br /> formal nation Wan taken an the royuoot at the time. these wile e <br /> diacuesioa about medical old to the as od. The Chairman announced <br /> that the ateup working an the program under the Oconomio Opportunity <br /> Act will moot thin ask. <br /> Mir. *Lilian a. Pittman reported that or. John C . F,nnhaaa <br /> has agreed to accept appointment so Acting Clinical £Jlrootor of the <br /> contra health clinic. Mr. Pittman reported that the tunda boles by <br /> tho old private mental health clinic have boon transferred to the <br /> county. Or, Dotteror moved, the appointment of fir. John C. Peasants as <br /> acting Clinical Vtrect©v of the Leo Cocnty gental Health Clinic. <br /> 1z . Ledgell. seconded the notion rand upon a vote it was unsn•trtaauely <br /> adopted. <br /> Chairman Kelly announced that he had appointed <br /> Coomiragion v John D.. potterer end William B. Pittman as repreanntati.os <br /> (von two County to starve on the committee to uaa out as program for <br /> the county trader the Aoonainio Opportunities Pet and to servo es the <br /> county's representatives on the nen profit corporation to be <br /> orranieed to employee-4 the program. <br /> Dr. s;otteror moved that jury be drawn at 2t00 i. M. <br /> for the civil tors of Leo County .Superior Court to boffin on Monday, <br /> tiovszbsr 30th, 19(4. Mr. Lefton seconded Ito motion. Upon a vote <br /> it was adopted by a majority vote. <br />