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st:. ztt, MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING <br /> riD,P< ilE BOARD-OF Com-ISt3IONB`ESro <br /> • - .1.:SE COUNTY,- -N'-O tfl$CK*OtilbilAAal' <br /> MONDAY, 6 DECEMi3ERR 1965 <br /> osoOaoo solos aoa oa s ea a eoa a aesomooee o ea <br /> The regular meeting of the Board of Caramiselonere for the Canaty'of Lee <br /> convened in the Coramiselanere' Room at the Lee County Courthouse at 10:LK2 o'clock <br /> A.M. on Monday, the fibs day Of December, 1965. Those prosena were Chairman John E. <br /> flatterer mad Cot:uniasiuners Sion H. Kelly, J. T. Lotto-oil, Man McLeod,od, and Charles <br /> Robert Yow. None of the C.o¢urnisalaawre were absent. , <br /> Chairman Joint E. Dotterer presided and the following business was transacted: <br /> The mimeos.of the regular meeting hold on November 1st, 1965 were ne.etrled <br /> Caul 3ti Bnnezuied, approved and entered recorded. <br /> Chairman Potterer called the attention of the Board to the pruvieiuna of C.S. <br /> 153-8 which requires the Board to-chooaee one of its members as Chairaun for the ensuing <br /> year at each regular De-carobs? meeting. Commission= Kelly moved the adoption of the <br /> following: <br /> BE IT ABSOLVED that the present officers of the Board, namely. <br /> John L. Drrttcrer ma C.h lrtsan and Charles Robert Yaw ee Vice-Chair- <br /> man be elected by acclamation to serve for the ensuing year. Commissioner <br /> McLeod eeconded the motion and noon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br /> Commissioner John E. rctterer rraa declared elected as Chairman and <br /> Commissioner C.harleo Hobert Yew ens declared elected no Vice-Chairman. <br /> The !cue er of Mr. A. Pall of Southern Appraisal Co. relative to the appeal of <br /> Carolina Power fa Light Cu. to the State Board of Aase:tomrant was cltacussod but no format <br /> action was taten. <br /> Miss Mary Scott Gurley appeared before the Board and gave a report on the <br /> activities of the County I ih-tary. <br /> Mr. Hugh lirewer appeared before the Bard and reported on his activitieo as <br /> Superintendent of County &rilwiuga. Upon motion of Commissioner Kelly, aeconaied by <br /> Oairmalsaiaser Ledswcit, and unanirsout+ly adopted by the Board, the purchase of a hot water <br /> heater for the Courthouse Mines was authorized. <br /> Mr. Thomsen li:rl+,Up, County Rztenaien Chairman, appeared before the Board ard <br /> gine a report on the activities of the Extension Department and the Cauaty Home Economist. <br /> Mr. liaialip presaged to the Board for their ccnaldcriitlon the nominees for the <br /> County liztanrirar Advisory Board. Upon motion of Cotnmisetoner Kelly, seconded by Conitnttfiione <br /> YUvr, and unanimously adopted the Board ay proved•the appointments of the following perfume to <br /> I; die Lee County Extension Advisory Board: <br /> Mr. Robert .L`ycur Route 1. Samford <br /> Mrs. attic Gordon Route 3, Sanford - <br /> '•,ir. Howard Jude Route ©, Sanford <br /> Mr0. R. V. Southard Route 6, Sanford <br />