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• <br /> i•.7 IN :•f Z .t S 1 3 i E is ii i if.S.i':u Ai i :,A' 3 <br /> ;isEs; B _.. r', IS 10Nlst[ S <br /> E i3 U?i 'l"5' , ,\;. ii'i"li CAR i.I t.. <br /> ,'Y. .riAi; Gil 6, d967 <br /> J'i a regular meeting of the 1:ac:rci of giunera fur Lee County; t'tpstla <br /> C„rallst, convene(' in the Cemruistilimet'it fivorn of etc 1-cae County Courthouse, :Sttiiors:, <br /> North Caatius at [V:(iL o'cduc.:it a. a, Laurera Stend re Time, on teienday, ,March i, <br /> r'T7. Those preevnt were Chvirztvn John i: . Dtmarer, Commissioners Mn itir;.a,a+z, <br /> A. E. White, t't,nkiin :z. \'ilcker am , Chariot- Robert Yew . cif the cou%usisiliOaers <br /> :•ore ibrient. <br /> Chairman Jftm L. Dattetar e-sei tee iolla+;:iuda bueinens ;rar..trens- <br /> The; Clerk repartexi to rho le.on that the bad c rder entitled 'Lana :,;resr <br /> ntrtha izinii the usesusttee of SLay.®O Schcoi Pantie of We County et Lee', rv:hich hsn been <br /> ilittceacc.a at tut eacetlnn of he Ward hsld an i'abruetrry 4, 1967, had hoes .ubliaer' in the <br /> Sanford ktertile, ►n February 1l., 1937, with notice that the Ilea.rc .$ Qt-PM6ThifirgOalerki. twottki <br /> hold a ssttiatw he.uring ttenxm os hfercn O. 1967 et Ai3 io o'clock <br /> C,e aratssioaer Yow movec, tint than ibiarc. a.roceee tsr bole e. public tse erin% on <br /> tin btrad order. The atetho vyaaa seecndcc'. £y C nnatitiSl aver Wicker And woe unanimously <br /> tt3ay.leti. <br /> 1 ;:,10 o 'doer.. a.ta. the Chairmen nj wsuateer that the Eoar< ntild '%eti.r any <br /> citizen or tcta::sy er wire desired tr, be heart) ' .4tb reat'cct to the bt,nd order. At the direct- <br /> ion of the Chuirnuin, thc a✓LOrt. rear': ti].i it sraa 'urder and toe ;4ab9ishec9 notice' iaf iiearing. <br /> After the £k are bad be r•u ad persons who requeatttc_ to be heard, C4eitelsoioner <br /> - 3s;<4.t altoVeci that the l.uislie hearktg be closed. 'Tice ;,utthun war .itcenutec: by Commissioner <br /> Whine and wale unanimously fit uptett. <br /> C:onirai-ric:mct Yew moved that the fell:owing; resolution beadapted: <br /> WHEREAS, the bast intact cotltlesi "band °vrt r atlthe-rtaitk; the isauwnce at <br /> $i05,600 School &ntn of the County of i„e e" introuncee at the.tweeting of the Beard of Comm- <br /> isSiotert held on teebs.'us.ry 6, 1967, izee: been duly i,ttbItshed with notice of hearing thereon <br /> and the Board of Coninhistaieneres has, at the time anti place specified in such notice cif bearit¢, , <br /> huast;i say then aril citizens eac' ticapayera who deeireti to tiratest ag:atnita the tntnta ice 4 the <br /> bonds, and auz;h hearing lute linen closed; ant <br /> t',lii:i;CaAS, tho Cedray Aetzl,ytaitinat has, by fiircction of the bone cat Casmmits- <br /> ioasra, flied in the office/of the Clerk 6.4 the board rat i oMsireiCi sera + ar:a+reranztt of debt <br /> incurred :Sad to be lns:urred br ets.::ool y.lLE'%9$ec unntila bzeral ordere either introt£Lace cJ t:r <br /> complying viith the it,rtor.Pieltea *.it tit Comity innate Act, sae such statement so Mao shows <br /> that the net lndcbtet'.nziss a4 tM County t.'st £chcctti pur;ores to 7.2h,q, of the a seasee.0 vattuatit m <br /> of property In said County as Last t5sm for Corny tazatium: WAN' ' iliiiibl:OR11, <br /> fit'. 1•i' .i=tiS,.!1.'✓.E't .ki rites Gw'. tg .4 Comvni.--etonc i 44 the C.;)uaty of Lee ell <br />