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0 0 <br /> BOQX 7 P.A�F 90 <br /> • <br /> MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING <br /> OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR <br /> LEE COUNTY , NORTH CAROLINA <br /> Monday , April 3rd , 1967 <br /> The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners for Lee <br /> County, North Carolina, convened in the Commissioners` Room at the Lee <br /> County Courthouse on Monday, April 3rd, 1967, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., <br /> Those present were Chairman John E. Dotterer, Commissioners Max <br /> McLeod, A. E. White, Franklin D. Wicker, and Charles Robert Yow. None <br /> of the Commissioners were absent. <br /> Chairman John E. Dotterer presided and the following business <br /> was transacted. <br /> The minutes of the meetings held in March were approved and <br /> ordered recorded. <br /> Mr. J. IL Watson appeared before the Board and requested to <br /> purchase the narrow triangular strip of land between his property and Secondary <br /> Road No: . The Board reviewed its appraisal of the County Home prop- <br /> erty and negotiated with Mr. Watson on the price of the land. Mr. Yow moved " <br /> the adoption of the following resolution. <br /> BE IT RESOLVED that the offer of Mr. J. R. <br /> Watson to pay $100.00 and bear all expense of transfer <br /> of title for the narrow strip of land between Secondary <br /> Road No. and the J. R. Watson property be <br /> accepted and the Chairman and Clerk are authorized <br /> and directed to execute deed to convey aid land upon <br /> receipt of the purchase price. <br /> Commissioner McLeod seconded the motion and upon a roll <br /> call vote, it was unanimously adopted as follows: <br /> AYE; McLeod, White, Wicker, Yow and Dotterer <br /> NO: None <br /> Mr. W. B. Pittman appeared before the Board and presented a new <br /> budget allocation which reflected the increased amounts appropriated at prior <br /> meetings. The allocations were found to be in order and the Clerk was authorized <br /> to certify the correctness of the allocation to the State Board of Mental Health. <br /> A large delegation of citizens from all parts of the County appeared <br /> before the Board and recited instances where dogs had molested and injured cattle, <br /> swine and fowls. The delegation requested that steps be taken to initiate a dog <br /> warden service in the County. Commissioner White moved the adoption of the <br /> following: <br /> WHEREAS, the problem of marauding wild dogs <br /> has reached the point where governmental action is nec- <br /> essary to protect the domesticated animals and property <br /> of our citizens; <br /> Page 1 <br />