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r <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for. Leer County, <br />Isdarth Carolina, convened at 10:00 o'clock a. n on brdonday, Noveraber 6th, 1967,. . <br />in the Commissioners* Room in O Lee 'County Courthouse.. Those present were <br />Chairman John L;, Dotterer, Commissioners Max McLeod, 0 A -I . White:- Franklin D. <br />Wicker, and Charles Robert Yovi. None: of the Conuziesioneirs were absent. <br />: Chairman johq.l Dotterer presided end the following business was <br />tranedicted:' <br />Corrisxiissioner McLeod presented a titian requestfn fsraproveaicnt <br />of .4 of a mile of Secondary Road No. 1161 aud.:2 of a mile of Sicondat -Road No. <br />1215, near Lemon Springs. After discussion. Com missioner McLaod € oved the <br />adoption of the following resolution: <br />WHEREAS, This Board of County Commissioners <br />of the County of Lee, has investigated the cisndition of the <br />move described road cwbich is now a part of the system of <br />roads maintained by the State Highway Commission, and , <br />which Is indicated to red on the attached map; and' <br />Wi'!i REiS. after careful consideration-of the <br />services rendered by said road. and the traffic demands <br />of said county, ,it is deemed necessary that said road be' <br />Improved in order to better serve the interests of the <br />people of this county. <br />NOWs THEREFORE, be. it resolved, and the Board <br />of County Conde Imers hereby approved and request that. <br />the, State Highway ComnAsalon make the following improve- ° <br />meets in the above described road: to be paved. <br />Corn iselfter iicLer sceond6d the motl6n and upon a vote it was <br />unanimously adopted. Commissioner Wicker was requested to-determine If adjoining <br />latidowners;would give right of way easements for an extension of SR 1161. <br />The jury-W was brought into the ComaAssioners' Roast: and the <br />Board directed that scrolls be drawn for the December 4th, 1967, Civil Session of . <br />Superior Court. <br />Scrolls were drawn by Stephen Bolder, a child under the age of <br />ten years, as follows: <br />