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BOOK 7 PACE 26 I <br />MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF LEE COUNTY, <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />Wednesday, July 17, 1968 <br />A Special Meeting of the Board of Commissioners for Lee County, <br />North Carolina, convened in the Commissioner's Room at the Lee County Courthouse <br />on Wednesday, July 17th, 1968, at 3:30 o'clock p. m., in accordance with and pursuant <br />to a call issued by the Chairman under the authority of General Statutes 153-8. Those <br />present were Chairman John E. Dotterer, Commissioners Max McLeod, A. E. White, <br />Franklin D. Wicker, and Charles Robert Yow. None of the Commissioners were absent. <br />Chairman John E. Dotterer presided and the following business was <br />transacted: <br />Mr. Robert Harris, City Manager of Sanford, and Mr. M. B. Harper, <br />President of the Sanford Chamber of Commerce, appeared before the Board, Mr. Harris <br />recommended that the Board consider increasing the size of the Northview water line to <br />a 16 inch line to facilitate future industrial development. He estimated the extra cost to <br />be approximately $94, 000.00. The Board indicated that the need was for a County wide <br />distribution financed by a bond issue. <br />Mr. T. T. Hayes of the firm of Hayes, Howell& Associates, appeared <br />before the Board and presented a drawing showing a method of converting the wing on the <br />south of the Courthouse to a Courtroom. There was a prolonged discussion about use <br />of the Wilrik Building and the additional Courtroom. Commissioner McLeod moved the <br />adoption of the following: <br />That the firm of Hayes, Howell & Associates, be employed <br />to prepare preliminary sketches and summary specifications and then to obtain a con- <br />tractor's estimate of cost for the following projects: <br />(1) A Courtroom in the wing to the south of the original Courthouse <br />building. <br />(2) Renovation of up to two floors of the Wilrik building. <br />(3) New construction at the present Courthouse site of sufficient <br />space to retain the tax collector and tax supervisor's offices at that site as well as to <br />provide for a new Courtroom. <br />There was no immediate second to the motion and Commissioner <br />McLeod withdrew his motion. <br />Commissioner White moved the adoption of the following Resolution: <br />That the firm of Hayes, Howell & Associates, Architects, be <br />employed to prepare detailed plans and specifications for obtain- <br />ing firm bids on the following projects: <br />(1) A Courtroom in the wing to the south of the original <br />Courthouse building. <br />(2) Renovation of up to two floors of the Wilrik building. <br />(3) New construction at the present Courthouse site of sufficient <br />space to retain the tax collector and tax supervisor's offices at that site as well as to <br />provide for a new Courtroom. <br />~4 <br />