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1970 - 06-10-70 Adj. Reg. Meeting
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1970 - 06-10-70 Adj. Reg. Meeting
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7/9/2010 8:33:55 AM
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7/9/2010 8:33:35 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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g00K PdCE 436 <br />MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR <br />MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR LEE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />10 JUNE 1970 <br />The adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for <br />Lee County, North Carolina, met in the Commissioners' Room of the County Office <br />Building at the corner of Steele and Wicker Streets in the City of Sanford at 10:00 <br />o'clock a.m. on Wednesday, June 10, 1970, the same being the hour, date and place <br />specified in the motion for adjournment. The Chairman called the meeting to order <br />and on roll call the following answered present: William H. Cooper, Perry White, <br />Franklin D. Wicker, Gordon A. Wicker, and John E. Dotterer. <br />The Chairman declared a quorum present and the meeting open for <br />the transaction of business. . <br />Chairman John E. Dotterer presided and the following business was <br />transacted: <br />Therc was a discussion about the taxes on the Roberts Company <br />plants and the Clerk was directed to try to ascertain when the County could expect <br />payment of its taxes. <br />There was a discussion about taxes due on the City of Sanford <br />parking lots but no formal action was taken. <br />The Board then considered the budget requests and the tentative <br />budget prepared by the Auditor. <br />Commissioner White moved the tentative budget be amended by <br />deleting $1500.00 from the Recreation appropriation and deleting this program from <br />their activities but leaving the program in the SCAP activities. Commissioner Wicker <br />seconded the motion and it was unanimously adopted. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker, duly seconded and <br />adopted, the appropriation for SCAP was reduced $2, 000.00• <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Perry White, duly seconded and <br />adopted, the appropriation for the Historical Museum was reduced to $1, 000.00. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker, duly seconded and <br />adopted by a majority vote, it was resolved to reduce the Sheriff's Departments <br />appropriation by $7, 250.00 and provide only for an additional deputy for detective <br />duties. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker, duly seconded and <br />adopted, it was resolved to delete the provision for additional air conditioning in the <br />District Courtroom and pawing from the Courthouse grounds and to reduce the appro- <br />priation for the Courthouse by $6,100.00. <br />
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