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Boat 7 mcc 444 <br />MINUTES OF TIE SPECIAL MEETING <br />OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR LEE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />24 JUNE, 1970 <br />The special meeting of'the Board of, Commissioners for Lee County, <br />North Carolina,' the`Cominissioncrs'.Room of the County Office Building at <br />the corner of Steele and Wicker Streets' in,the.City•of Sanford at 3:30 o'clock p.m. <br />on Wednesday, •June 24, 1970, the.same•being the'date,4 time;, and place specified in <br />the call and notice of said•meeting issued by the 'Chairman pursuant to N. C. General <br />Statute 153-8. The Chairman•callcd the meeting. to order and on roll call, the <br />following answered present;' William'H: Cooper, Perry White,, Franklin D.'Wicker, <br />Gordon A. Wicker,and John"E.; Dotterer,.. . <br />The Chairman declared,-a grorum:present and the meeting open for <br />the transaction of business: Chairman John E.,' Dotterer presided and the following <br />business was transacted: <br />Dr. Ben,Brooks,'Superintendent of the Lee County School Administrative <br />Unit,'appeared before the Board and'requested additional funds for. his unit. <br />Mr. Kenneth Brinson, Superintendent of the Sanford City School <br />Administrative Unit,.appeared before the Board and requested additional funds for <br />his unit. <br />Mr., W.' C. Harward, ICtiairman *of the Lee County Board of Education, <br />also appeared before the Board and spoke on.behalf of -his unit's request for additional <br />funds. <br />There 'was`a' general discussion-between the representatives of-the <br />school units and the members •oPthe Board but•no formal action, was taken. <br />Mr. J. Chandler Eakes, Register-of Deeds, iappeared before the Board <br />and requested -con sideration_of changing the-.title of Mrs: McGilvary from Deputy <br />Register of Deeds to Assistant Register'of Deeds and also that he be given an <br />additional full-time clerical worker: <br />Cominissioner,Frdnklin Dt Wicker presented for consideration a <br />petition, to close Salem Drive in Colonial Acres Subdivision.which had been executed <br />by McIver Park, Inc: and by, the'Board;of Trustees.of the Steele Street,United <br />Methodist Church. The petition is as follows: <br />