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1970 - 09-08-70 Regular Meeting
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1970 - 09-08-70 Regular Meeting
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7/8/2010 4:33:36 PM
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7/8/2010 4:33:11 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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1 <br />BOOK 7 PACE 466 <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING <br />OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR <br />LEE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />Tuesday, September 8, 1970 <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the County <br />of Lee, North Carolina, convened in the Commissioner's Room of the County <br />Office Building on Tuesday, September 8,. 1970, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., the <br />same being the time, date, and place duly established for the holding of such <br />meeting, Monday, September 7th, 1970, being a public holiday. The Chairman <br />called the meeting to order and on roll call, the following answered present: <br />William H. Cooper, Franklin D. Wicker, Gordon A. Wicker, and John E. <br />Dotterer. Commissioner Perry White was absent when the meeting opened. <br />Chairman John E. Dotterer presided and the following business was transacted: <br />The drafts of the minutes of the meetings held on August 3 and 10, <br />were approved and ordered recorded. <br />Commissioner Perry White joined the meeting and participated in the <br />further deliberations of the Board. <br />The Board then considered the monthly bills as listed by the County <br />Accountant. After discussion, the items for the County Office Building water'. <br />bill and the donation to the Sanford Tobacco Board of Trade were deleted from <br />the list and as so amended, the list was approved for payment upon motion of <br />Commissioner Gordon A., Wicker, seconded by Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, <br />duly adopted. <br />The Chairman called for a motion to provide for payment of the <br />$35, 000 school bond anticipation note. Commissioner William H. Cooper moved <br />that the sum of $35,000. 00 be transferred from the Revaluation Fund to the <br />Debt Retirement Fund for the purpose of retiring the outstanding bond anticipation <br />note with the understanding that a sufficient levy be made in the next budget for <br />debt retirement to. repay the Revaluation Fund. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker <br />seconded the motion and upon a roll call vote it was unanimously adopted as <br />follows: <br />AYE: Cooper, White, F. Wicker, G. Wicker, J. Dotterer <br />NAY: None <br />Mr. Fred Murchison, Jr., and a group of citizens appeared before <br />the Board about improvements on Globe Street Extension in the Mabe Hill section <br />of Jonesboro Heights. It appeared, however, that the road had never been added <br />to the State Maintained Secondary Road System, and the people were furnished <br />with the proper petition to have executed. <br />Mr. Sion H. Kelly, Clerk of Superior Court, appeared before the Board <br />and requested additional air conditioning in the district Courtroom wing of the <br />Courthouse. <br />Messrs.. Sam Bass, Owen Robertson, Vic Keith and Sonny Baker, of <br />the Lee. County Recreation Foundation, appeared before the Board and Mr. Bass <br />discussed the alternative available to the foundation for the development of the <br />Civic Center. There was extended discussion and the representatives of the <br />foundation were asked to confer with the County School Board about the desirability <br />of their site as to the location for a school. No formal resolutions were adopted. <br />
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