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BK -00028 PG -0165 <br />LEE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />RESOLUTION EXCHANGING OWNERSHIP BETWEEN CENTRAL CAROLINA <br />COMMUNITY COLLEGE AND THE COUNTY OF LEE FOR THE SUMMIT BUILDING, STEELE STREET <br />PROPERTY, AND INNOVATION CENTER <br />WHEREAS, Lee County (hereinafter "County") purchased from Dr. Paul O. Howard and Dr. Barbara E. <br />James an improved tract of land located at 408 Summit Drive, Sanford, NC, PIN 9642-5909-7600, <br />(hereinafter "Summit Building"); and, <br />WHEREAS, as part of the above -referenced transaction, Dr. Howard and Dr. James conveyed by gift to <br />the County, in order to ultimately benefit Central Carolina Community College (hereinafter "College"), <br />the improved parcel located at 128-134 Steele Street, Sanford, NC, PIN 9642-6976-1400, (hereinafter <br />"Steele Street Property"); and, <br />WHEREAS, on October 15, 2012, the County and College entered into an Interlocal Agreement <br />concerning the transactions and future dealings with the Summit Drive Property and Steele Street <br />Property; and, <br />WHEREAS, said Interlocal Agreement provides that upon payment of all debt associated with the <br />Summit Building, title to the Summit Building and Steele Street Property will transfer to the College; and, <br />WHEREAS, the County took possession of the Summit Building in 2012 and has been collecting rent from <br />the Steele Street Building since the execution of the above -referenced agreements; and, <br />WHEREAS, the County also owns the Innovation Center, located at the Lee County Industrial Park, and <br />no debt is owed on this building; and, <br />WHEREAS, the County and College have agreed to new terms and conditions surrounding the Steele <br />Street Property and the Summit Building; and, <br />WHEREAS, Dr. Howard and Dr. James are in agreement with such new terms and conditions; and, <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to this new agreement between the parties, the above -referenced Interlocal <br />Agreement shall be cancelled, title to the Innovation Center shall transfer to the College, and title to the <br />Summit Building and Steele Street Property shall remain with the County upon payment of all debt <br />associated with the Summit Building; and, <br />WHEREAS, the County shall have the right to sell the Steele Street Property and retain all proceeds from <br />such sale; and, <br />WHEREAS, the consideration for these transfers is the cancellation of the Interlocal Agreement; and, <br />