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1971 - 10-04-71 Regular Meeting
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1971 - 10-04-71 Regular Meeting
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3/25/2010 2:41:43 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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t 1 <br />000K ° mu 11 <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR LEE COUNTY <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />Monday, October 4th, 1971 <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for Lee <br />County, North Carolina, convened on Monday; October 4, 1971, in the <br />Commissioners' Room of the County Office Building, at the corner of Steele <br />and Wicker Streets in the City of Sanford, North Carolina. Those present <br />were Commissioners William H. Cooper, J. Eugene Rogers, Perry White, <br />Gordon A. Wicker and Franklin D. Wicker. The Chairman declared a quorum <br />present. Chairman Franklin D. Wicker presided and the, following business was <br />transacted: <br />The meeting was opened by prayer given by Commissioner Perry <br />White. <br />Mr. Tom M. Haislip, County Agricultural Extension Chairman, <br />appeared before the Board and requested the continuing cooperation of the <br />Board in supporting the Sandhill Area Development Association. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gordon Wicker, it was unanimously resolved to appropriate the sum of $100. 00 <br />from the unappropriated surplus in the General Fund derived from non-tax <br />sources for the purpose of aiding and encouraging the location of manufacturing <br />enterprises, making industrial surveys and for such other purposes as will <br />increase the population, taxable property, agricultural industries and business <br />prospects of the County. Messrs. Cooper, Rogers, White, G. Wicker and <br />F. Wicker all voted for the resolution. <br />Mr. Tom M. Haislip appeared before the Board and stated that he <br />had received a letter from Pembroke State University, requesting the payment <br />of $73. 64, for re-payment of salary paid to'Miss Deborah Brown for work per- <br />formed in excess of the number of hours authorized under the PACE Agency <br />agreement. Mr. Haislip explained that Miss Brown had worked 440 hours <br />rather than the authorized 400 hours. Upon motion of Commissioner Perry White, <br />duly seconded by J. Eugene Rogers, Commissioner, it was unanimously resolved <br />to appropriate the sum of $73. 64 from the Emergency and Contingency Fund to the <br />Agricultural Extension Agency Fund for the purpose of re-paying Pembroke State <br />University under the PACE Agency agreement. Messrs. Cooper, Rogers, White, <br />G. Wicker and F. Wicker, all voted for it. <br />Mr. Nathan Crissman, Tax Collector, appeared before the Board <br />and requested instructions about when the Board desired to have the second notice <br />of taxes due mailed to the tax payers, since the General Assembly has advanced <br />the penalty date from February 1st to January 1st. The Commissioners directed <br />Mr. Crissman to mail the notices on or about November 20th, and in addition, <br />to run three ads in the Sanford Daily Herald, advising tax payers of the change <br />made in the law so that the citizens would not inadvertantly incurr the penalty. <br />The Board reviewed bills received with respect to the sewer and <br />water line projects and found that the County was indebted to Boney & Newcomb, <br />Engineers, for $12, 166. 00, Jones Printing Company for $6. 80, and Carolina <br />Blue Printers for $164. 03. Upon motion of Commissioner Cooper, duly seconded <br />
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