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1972 - 01-04-72 Regular Meeting
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1972 - 01-04-72 Regular Meeting
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3/24/2010 4:01:40 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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p00h 8 ?tr,t 3 <br />MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR <br />THE COUNTY OF LEE, NORTH CAROLINA <br />TUESDAY, 4th JANUARY, 1972 <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the County of Lee, <br />North Carolina, convened in the Commissioners' room on the second floor of the <br />County Office Building on Tuesday, January 4, 1972, at 9:30 o'clock A. M., Monday, <br />January 2, 1972, having been observed as a holiday the meeting was held on Tuesday, <br />January 4, 1972. . Commissioners William H.. Cooper, J. Eugene Rogers,. Perry <br />White, Gordon A. Wicker, and Chairman Franklin D. Wicker, were all present when <br />the meeting was called to order. <br />Chairman Franklin D. Wicker presided and the following business was <br />transacted: <br />Reverend Reginald Ponder of Steele Street United Methodist. Church gave the <br />invocation. . . , <br />Reverend Reginald Ponder appeared before the Board and requested the <br />appropriation of $1, 000.00 for the institution of a senior citizehs program. The funds <br />would be used to snake a study to formulate a program for. Lee County. The Chairman <br />appointed Commissioners Gordon A.. Wicker and J. Eugene Rogers to investigate and <br />report to the Board at its January 17th, 1972, meeting. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker <br />moved, that $1,000.00 be appropriated from the unappropriated surplus in the general <br />fund to the Mental Health Department for the purpose of conducting a study to formulate <br />a program for the senior citizens of Lee County. Commissioner William H. Cooper <br />seconded the motion. There was discussion and Commissioner Wicker asked to withdraw <br />the motions. Commissioner Cooper concurred in Commissioner Wicker's request and <br />the chair ruled the motion had been with9rawn. <br />Mr, Tom Haislip, Chairman of the Agricultural Extension Service, appeared <br />before the Board and presented a written report on the activities of the service. Mr. <br />Haislip expressed the gratitude of the. Agricultural Extension Service for the recognition <br />given to Miss Allie McGilvary upon her retirement. Mr. Haislip stated Mrs. Frances <br />Baker (Mrs. John Cecil Baker) of McIntosh Street,. Sanford, N. C. had been hired to fill <br />the vacancy created by Miss McGilvary's retirement. <br />Mr. Cecil Cameron, President of the Broadway Jaycees, appeared before the <br />Board and requested consideration of Allen E. Brock for appointment to the County <br />Recreation Board. <br />The Chairman announced the time to open the bids for purchase of an ambulance <br />was at hand: The bids were placed on the table and opened by the Chairman and publicly <br />read.. The bids were as follows: <br />Mobile Conversion $ 9,440.87 <br />Wayne Corporation 10, 0.15.84 <br />Superior Coach Sales 10, 420.45 <br />Challenge Corporation 14, 896.00 <br />The Board heard representatives from the Wayne Corporation and from Superior <br />Coach Sales and took the matter under advisement. <br />The monthly bills were presented and reviewed and upon motion of Commissioner <br />Cooper, seconded by Commissioner White, the payment of the bills was approved by <br />unanimous vote. <br />Minutes of the meeting held on December 20th were approved and ordered <br />
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