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z,n,yr <br />MINUTES OF.THE ADJOURNED REGULAR <br />MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />OF THE COUNTY OF LEE. NORTH CAROLINA <br /> <br />Monday May 15, 1972 <br />The adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners <br />for the County of Lee, convened in the County Office Building at the corner of <br />Steele' and Wicker Street's in Sanford, at 9:30 o'clock a. gym. , the same being the <br />time, date and place set out in the.motion of adjournment, adopted on Monday, <br />May 1, 1972. Those present wbie• Commissioners W., H. Cooper, J. Eugene <br />Rogers, Perry White, Gordon A. Wicker, and Chairman Franklin D. Wicker. <br />Chairman Franklin D. Wicker presided and the following bus- <br />iness was transacted: <br />Mr. Tom Haislip, County Agricultural Extention Chairman, <br />appeared before the Board and introduced Mr. Joe Busby, Area Specialist <br />for Conununity Development, from the Agriculture Extension Department of <br />North Carolina State University. Mr. Busby informed the Board that it would <br />be his job to assist them in their Region J projects and act as liaison between <br />the Board and Region J, for projects relating'to Agricultural Extension. <br />Because of the necessity to complete their work as a Board of <br />Equalization and Review, it was suggested that this meeting be adjourned to a <br />later date. <br />Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers moved that the meeting be <br />ad:ourred until 9:30 o`clock a. in. , on Tuesday, May 16, 1972, to reconvene <br />in the Commissioners Room in the County Office Building. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion and <br />upon a vote it was unanimously adopted and the meeting adjourned: <br />a 4) <br />CHAIRMAN <br />CLERK <br />,~OJN~ ~ day <br />`Nt,. she i-/ M• <br />00 <br />,veQ ~l0 'teg`S~~a977- a~ a8e !Y a <br />e$e <br />* In q Gr~od\ot EaKes <br />5 <br />