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tk : <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF <br />THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR LEE <br />COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />Monday, December 4, 1972 <br />1, 0, 1, 1 1. 1 J <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for Lee <br />County, North Carolina, convened in the Commissioners' Room on the second <br />floor of the County Office Building at the corner of Steele and Wicker Streets <br />in the City of Sanford, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Monday, December 4th, 1972. <br />Messrs. William-H. Cooper, J. Eugene Rogers, and Franklin <br />D. Wicker having qualified for four year terms in December 1970, were <br />presence and called the meeting to order. It appearing that Messrs. Hal <br />L. Hancock and Gordon A. Wicker having been duly elected to four year terms <br />at the general election in November 1972, were present and each of these gentlerv <br />men qualifed for office by taking the requisite oaths before Miss Grace Crabtree, <br />Assistant Clerk of Superior Court. The original oaths were filed in the office <br />of the Clerk of Superior Court and copies were ordered attached to and filed with <br />the minutes of this meeting. <br />The.Board then,inducted into office Mr: J. Chandler Eakes, as <br />Register of Deeds for Lee. County. A copy. of Mr. Eakes oath of office is <br />attached to the minutes of this meeting and the original is filed with the Clerk <br />of Superior Court. . The provisions of the blanket bond were adjudged sufficient. <br />The Board then requested Mr. J. Chandler Eakes to conduct an elect- <br />ion to determine who would serve as Chairman of the Board for the coming <br />year. Mr., Eakes distributed ballots and the members voted. The ballots were <br />counted and it was determined that Mr. Gordon A: Wicker had received three <br />(3) votes for Chairman and Mr. W. H. Cooper had recieved two (2) votes. Mr. <br />Gordon A. Wicker was declared elected as Chairman of the Board and assumed <br />the Chair and presided over the further deliberations of the Board. <br />The Board then conducted an election to determine who would <br />serve as Vice Chairman. The ballots were distributed, marked and counted. <br />It was determined that Hal L. Hancock had received three votes for Vice <br />Chairman and William H. Cooper had received two votes for Vice Chairman. <br />Mr. Hal L. Hancock was declared elected as Vice Chairman of the Board. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, seconded by <br />Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers, and unanimously adopted, Kenneth R. Hoyle <br />was employed as County Attorney and appointed to serve as Clerk to the Board <br />of Commissioners. <br />There was a general discussion about assignment of areas of <br />responsibility for the various Commissioners. The Chairman designated <br />that the following Commissioners would be responsible for supervising the <br />following activities and properties: <br />