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1973 - 03-05-73 Regular Meeting
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1973 - 03-05-73 Regular Meeting
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1/13/2010 4:16:32 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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lilt] <br />BOOK H PAGE 19 `t <br />X <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF <br />THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR LEE <br />COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />Monday, March 5th, 1973 <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the <br />County of Lee, State of North Carolina, convened in the Commissioners' <br />Room on the second floor of the County Office Building at the corner of <br />Steele and Wicker Streets in the City of Sanford, at 9:30 o'clock a. m., on <br />Monday, March 5th, 1973, Commissioners William H. Cooper, Hal L. <br />Hancock, J. Eugene Rogers, Franklin D. Wicker and Gordon A. Wicker <br />were present. Chairman Gordon A. Wicker presided and the following <br />business was transacted: <br />The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Commissioners <br />held on February 19th, 1973, were read and approved. <br />There was a discussion about the bills, but no action was taken, <br />as other monthly bills were being added to the list for consideration later in <br />the meeting. <br />There was a discussion about the property of the Recreation <br />Commission and particularly, the effect that the extension of Third Street <br />in Sanford might have upon the possibilities of the grant for the construction <br />of a park. <br />The Chairman announced that the time had expired for the sub- <br />mission of bids for an electronic computer and the Board proceeded to open <br />the bids received and consider them. The bids received were as follows: <br />National Cash Register Company . . . . . . . $24,356.00 <br />Burroughs Corporation . . . . . . $25,325.94 <br />Delivery of the Burroughs machine could be made within 75 days, whereas, <br />delivery of the NCR machine could be made within 210 days. The Board <br />heard the representatives from each company and advised the bidders that a <br />final decision would be made at the March 19th meeting. <br />The Board then proceeded to open the bids received for construct- <br />ion of a metal building to be erected at the corner of Elm and McIntosh Street. <br />The bids received were as follows: <br />Metal Building Constructors, Inc. . . . . . $ 7, 647. 00 <br />Southern Builders Company, Inc. . . . . . $ 10, 750. 89 <br />Metal Building Systems, Inc. . . . . . $ 8, 890. 00 <br />G. E. Bobbitt & Associates, Inc. . . . . . $ 9,780. 00 <br />The Board heard the representatives of the firms present and after consideration <br />of same, upon motion of Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner <br />Hancock, it was RESOLVED to appropriate the amount of $7, 647. 00 from the <br />Revenue Sharing Funds for the purpose of purchasing said building and the low <br />bid of Metal Building Constructors, Inc., was approved and accepted and the <br />Chairman authorized to purchasesame. <br />
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