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~t <br />BOOK PA6E~.~ <br />MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING <br />OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR <br />LEE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />Wednesday, June 27, 1973 <br /> <br />The adjourned regular meeting of the Board of <br />Commissioners for the County of Lee convened in the Commissioner's <br />Room, second floor, County Office Building, corner of Steele and <br />Wicker Streets, Sanford, North Carolina, at 9:00 o'clock a.m. <br />on Wednesday, June 27, 1973, in accordance with the motion for <br />adjournment adopted at its June 18, 1973, meeting. Those present <br />when the meeting opened were Commissioners William H. Cooper, <br />Hal L. Hancock, J. Eugene Rogers, and Chairman Gordon A. Wicker. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker was absent. The Chairman <br />declared that a quorum was present and the meeting opened for <br />business. <br />Chairman Gordon A. Wicker presided and the following <br />business was transacted: <br />Mr. Nathan Crissman, Lee County Tax Collector, appeared <br />before the Board with Mr. E. M. Underwood, Jr., and presented a <br />statement of his settlement for the 1972 tax levy. The settle- <br />ment sheet is attached to these minutes as an exhibit and by this <br />reference incorporated herein. The settlement was considered <br />by the members of the Board and reviewed with Mr. Underwood. <br />The settlement, as presented, was approved upon motion of <br />Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers, duly seconded by Commissioner <br />Hal L. Hancock, and unanimously adopted upon a vote. <br />Commissioner Cooper moved that the sum of $356.12 be <br />transferred to the unappropriated surplus in the General Fund <br />to the Agriculture Extension Service Fund for personal services <br />