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® BOOK 8 PAA84 <br />MINUTES OF. THE REGULAR MEETING <br />OF THE <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR THE <br />COUNTY.OF LEE, NORTH CAROLINA <br />Monday,. August: .5, 19-74 . <br />.The regular meeting of the-Board of Commissioners <br />for Lee .County., North Carolina,. convened in the Commissioner's <br />Room on the second floor of the County.pffice Building at . <br />the. corner. of Steele and Wicker the City. of <br />Sanford at .9.:.30 o'clock a.m. on Monday,. August. .5, 1974•' <br />Those present were Commissioners William H. Cooper, Hal L. <br />Hancock, J. Eugene Rogers, Franklin D. Wicker., and Gordon <br />A. Wicker.. The Chairman declared a quorum present and the <br />meeting open.for the .transaction of business. <br />Chairman Gordon A. Wicker presided and the <br />following business was transacted: <br />.The invocation was given by the Reverend Gerald <br />Bridges., Pastor of the .Cool Springs Baptist Church. <br />.The minutes of the meeting held on July 15, 19,74,. <br />were approved and ordered recorded upon motion of <br />Commissioner Cooper. seconded by. Commissioner: Hancock and <br />which motion was. unanimously adopted. <br />.The monthly bills as listed by..the'County Finance <br />Officer. were approved for payment upon motion of Commissioner <br />Franklin D. Wicker seconded by Commissioner Hal L. Hancock <br />which motion was unanimously adopted. <br />The bill of Mr. Jeter Johnson,for installation <br />of pipe..under the new. U. S. I highway was presented to the <br />Board.' Commissioner. Cooper moved that the sum of $2,.00.0.:00. <br />. be appropriated from the. unappropriated surplus in the <br />General Fund for the payment of this bill, the same to be.. <br />"7reimbursed to.the General Fund from bond proceeds when bonds <br />are sold,for water and sewer lines for industrial development. <br />Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers seconded the motion. Upon a <br />roll call vote., Messrs. Cooper., Hancock, Rogers, F.. Wicker, <br />and G. Wicker all voted for it and no one..voted against it.. <br />A petition was presented and considered by. the <br />Board requesting that Seawell Street.-be. added to, the State . <br />Maintained Secondary Road System. Commissioner.William H. <br />Cooper: moved the adoption of the, following resolution: <br />WHEREAS, the :attached petition has been.filed <br />with. the Board of County.-Commissioners of the <br />County. of Lee requesting that the above described <br />road; the location of which has been indicated in <br />red on the attached map, be. added to the Secondary <br />Road sy.stem; and <br />