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<br />~~dK ~r~cE 47 <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING <br />OF <br />THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR <br />LEE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />Monday, March 17th, 1975 <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the <br />County of Lee, met in the Commissioners Room on the second floor of the County <br />Office Building, 201 Wicker Street, Sanford,North Carolina, at 7:00 o'clock <br />p, m., on'Monday, March 17, 1975. Commissioners William H. Cooper, John <br />E. Dotterer, Hal L. Hancock, and Gordon A. Wicker were present.: Commiss- <br />ioner Franklin D. Wicker was absent,,when the meeting, opened. The Chairman <br />declared a quorum .present andthe, for th6transaciion of business. <br />Chairman Gordon A-., Wicker presided and the following business <br />r. 4 <br />was transacted: SX <br />The invocation was,given by K,.•R: Hoyle; County Attorney. <br />Commis sioner, Franklin D.. Wicker joined the meeting and <br />participated in the further deliberations of the Board. <br />The minutes of the regular meeting held on March 3, 1975, were <br />considered, discussed and amended. As amended, they were approved and ordered <br />recorded upon motion of Commissioner William H. Cooper, seconded by Commiss- <br />ioner John E. Dotterer, which motion was duly adopted by a majority vote. <br />Commissioner Hal L. Hancock reported that the Department of <br />Transportation had investigated and found that the road designated as'Secondary <br />Road No. 1145 and shown on the map of the Secondary Road System, did not exist. <br />They requested that the road be abandoned, Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker <br />who lives in the area, reported that the road did not exist: Commissioner Hal L. <br />Hancock moved that the Department of Transportation and Highway Safety be <br />authorized to delete said road from the Secondary Road System in Lee County and <br />from the map thereof, Commissioner John E. Dotterer seconded the.motion and <br />upon a vote it was unanaimously adopted. <br />Commissioner Hancock reported he had received another. request <br />for assistance on the road known as Globe Street. He advised the Board that <br />Department of Transportation and'Highway Safety personnel were going to report to <br />him the names of the people who would not'give the necessary right of way. He <br />would then advise the people concerned who they should contact rather than <br />approaching. the members of the'Board. <br />Mr'.. Finley Boney and Mr. Bill Hanson of the firm of •Boney and <br />Associates, Engineers, appeared before the Board, and reviewed the 201 Facilities <br />Plan for the Greater Sanford Area. The report and the alternative plans set forth <br />therein were discussed in detail. Following this discussion, Commissioner Dott- <br />erer moved that consideration of the 201 plan be deferred until the first meeting in <br />the month of April. Commissioner Hancock seconded the motion and upon a vote, <br />it was unanimously adopted. <br />