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LEE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />BUDGET MEETING <br />June 16, 2014 — 5:00 PM <br />Gordon Wicker Conference Room <br />The purpose of this meeting is to discuss issues that arose during the two budget workshops and <br />County Commissioners meeting on June 2, 2014. Staff was instructed to list the possible changes that <br />the Commissioners discussed and place them on an agenda to be discussed and voted on at this <br />Budget Meeting. The following is a list of those items. <br />1) Consideration of Mr. Reives proposal to raise the Property Tax Rate from 72 cents per 100 <br />Dollars of valuation to 75 cents. This increase would generate $1,439,829 in new revenue. The <br />proposal is to use this new revenue to fund the County Employees COLA (1.8 %) - $308,000, <br />1% supplement increase to teachers - $375,000, 1% supplement increase for non - classified <br />positions - $100,000, Sheriff Vehicles (8 for Sheriff's Department and 2 for SRO's) $261,320, <br />and reduce the fund balance appropriation by $395,509. Page 1 - 2. <br />2) Consideration of Mr. Womack's proposal to fund HAVEN at either $5,000 or $10,000 for FY 14- <br />15. Page 3 — 7. <br />3) Consideration of Mr. Frazier's request to fund Johnston, Lee, Harnett Community Action at 50 <br />percent of their $6,000 request or $3,000 in FY 14 -15. Page 8 - 9. <br />4) Consideration of the City/County Interlocal Government Committee to commit a minimum of <br />$10,000 and maximum of $15,000 to the O.T. Sloan Park Facility Study. The City of Sanford <br />will be committing up to $15,000 and the Sanford Area Soccer League $5,000. Page 10 — 24. <br />5) Per the Boards direction we moved the $25,000 for CC Works from the Commissioners <br />Departmental Budget to the Education Department Budget. The $25,000 shows up as a special <br />appropriation to the Community College. <br />6) Other Items <br />Through the first 2 budget meetings the above issues and lone change (Item 5 above) are the only <br />items that the Commissioners have instructed us to put forward in the FY 14 -15 proposed budget. <br />