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1975 - 08-04-75 Regular Meeting
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1975 - 08-04-75 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
11/10/2009 8:48:25 AM
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11/10/2009 8:48:03 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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E....., V YAot. .4 <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING <br />OF <br />THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR <br />LEE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />Monday, August 4th, 1975 <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the <br />County of Lee, met in the Commissioners Room on the second floor of the County <br />Office Building, 201 Wicker Street, Sanford, North Carolina, at 9:30 o'clock a.m., <br />on Monday, August 4th, 1975. Commissioners William H. Cooper, John E. <br />Dotterer, Hal L. Hancock and Gordon A. Wicker were present. Commissioner <br />Franklin D. Wicker was absent when the meeting opened. The Chairman declared <br />a quorum present and the meeting open for the transaction of business. <br />Chairman Gordon A. Wicker presided and the following business <br />was transacted: <br />Father James Keaney of St, Stephen's Catholic Church, gave <br />the invocation. <br />The minutes of the meeting held on July 21, 1975, were con- <br />sidered and approved and ordered recorded. <br />The Chairman read the report from the Safety Chairman and <br />Safety Director for the appointees to the OSHA Safety Committee. Upon motion <br />of Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner Dotterer, it was unanimously <br />RESOLVED to appoint the following safety committee: <br />James Holt from the Sheriff's Department; Tim Lee from <br />the Tax Supervisor's office; Sonny Baker, from the Parks <br />and Recreation Department; Leslie Gunter from the Main- <br />tenance Department; Joel Jakcson, from the Rescue Squad; <br />and Julian Williams from the Sanitary Landfill. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker joined the meeting and par- <br />ticipated in the further deliberations of the Board. <br />The Board next discussed the services being rendered by the <br />members of the Ambulance Department. Upon motion of Commissioner <br />Franklin D. Wicker, duly seconded by Commissioner Dotterer, and unanimously <br />adopted, it was RESOLVED to authorize the Ambulance Service to answer requests <br />of physicians in Lee County to pick up patients and transport them to the physician' <br />office, provided the physician would be responsible for the charges. <br />The Board next discussed the request from the Chairman of <br />the Board of Trustees of the Lee County Hospital, for funds to enable the hospital <br />to have a staff of physicians on duty at the Emergency Room at all times. The <br />Board indicated that it was generally favorable to the expansion of the hospital <br />services to this level and requested the Chairman to have the Board of Trustees <br />present a more specific request. <br />Mr. Darrell Mullins, of Pate-Mullins, Architects, appeared <br />before the Board and supervised the opening of bids for air-conditioning the jail <br />offices. The bids received were as follows: <br />
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