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<br />OF
<br />FOR
<br />Tuesday, September 2, 1975
<br />.
<br />The regular meeting of the Board, -cf Commissioners for the
<br />County•of Lee, convened in the Commissioner's-Room on the'second floor of the
<br />County Office Building, 201 Wicker Street, Sanford, North Carolina, at 9:00
<br />o'clock a. m., on Tuesday, September 2nd; 1975., T'he~ regular meeting date
<br />fell on-Monday, September 1 st, 1975, which was Labor Day' and under G. S
<br />153A-40, the meeting was held on Tuesday, September 2nd, 1975. Commissioners
<br />William H. Cooper, Franklin D. Wicker and Gordon A. Wicker were present.
<br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer and Hal L,' Hancock were absent. The Chairman
<br />declared a quorum present and the meeting open for the transaction of business.
<br />Chairman Gordon A. • Wicker presided and"the following business
<br />was transacted.
<br />.The minutes of the meeting held on August 18th, 1975, were
<br />corrected and, a's corrected, were approved upon motion.of Commissioner
<br />Franklin D. Wicker, duly seconded by Commissioner William H. Cooper, which
<br />motion was unanimously adopted.
<br />The Chairman announced that the time for opening bids for
<br />purchase or removal of the Heins dwelling house on Hawkins Avenue, had arrived.
<br />The Board proceeded to open the bids received as follows:
<br />Oldham & Oldham $ 2,000.00
<br />Joe Morris 950. 00
<br />Jerry Henry McNeill 925. 00
<br />All of the bids received were for removal of the house and filling
<br />in the area where the. house was located. No bids were received for the purchase
<br />of the house. Upon motion of Commissioner William H. Cooper, seconded by
<br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, which motion was unanimously adopted, it was
<br />resolved to award the 'bid to Jerry Henry McNeill, at the price of $925. 00, and the
<br />Board directed that the contract price be paid from the Library Fund.
<br />Mr. W. T. Proctor, of the,Farmers Home Administration,
<br />appeared before the•Board and gave a report on the activities of his office for
<br />the past year.
<br />Mr. Roy G.. Sowers, Jr., member of the Board of Directors of
<br />Dunning, Ltd. , appeared on behalf of several industries located in the Clawson
<br />L. Williams Industrial Park, and requested the Board to provide a water tank or
<br />.storage facility which would increase the water pressure for fire protection in
<br />the Industrial Park. Representatives, of Redman Industries and Stanadyne, Inc. ,
<br />were also present and joined in the request made by Mr. Sowers. Mr. James
<br />Pate of Pate-Mullins Associates, estimated that Wecost of sucha facility
<br />would be $200, 000. 00. Inquiry was made as to whether or not the stand pipe being
<br />abandoned by the City of Sanford would be usable for this purpose, and Mr. Pate
<br />was to investigate this and report his findings to the Board. Chairman Gordon A.
<br />Wicker appointed Commissioner William H. 'Cooper and Commissioner Franklin
<br />D. Wicker as a committee to investigate and report to the Board their findings
<br />and recommendations.
<br />