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1975 - 12-01-75 Regular Meeting
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1975 - 12-01-75 Regular Meeting
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11/10/2009 8:19:15 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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BOO rc~ J <br />MINUTES OF THEREGULAR MEETING <br />OF <br />THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . <br />F OR <br />THE COUNTY•OF.LEE, NORTH CAROLINA, <br />Monday, December Ii 1975 <br />yy JJ..yy yy« y L J.J- . <br />f T . f f,f . fTTT'f TT TTT'"~i 'F i~TT1~TTTTTTTTTTTT'rT~fT <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the County <br />of Lee convened in the Commissioners Room on the second floor of the County <br />Office Building at 200 Wicker Street, Sanford, North Carolina, on Monday, <br />December 1, 1975, at 9:30 o'clock a. m. Those present were Commissioners <br />William H. Cooper, John E._ Dotterer, Hal L. Hancock, Franklin D. Wicker, and <br />Gordon A. Wicker. <br />This being the first regular meeting in December, the Board acting <br />pursuant to'G. S. 153A-39, proceeded to select a Chairman and Vice-Chairman to <br />serve for the ensuing year, Mr. James L,_CNark„ Tax,Supervisor wasy•requested <br />to conduct an election by secret ballot for these positions. Mr. Clark distributed <br />ballots to each Commissioner and collected them,and tallied,the results. Mr. <br />Clark announced that, Commissioner Gordon A Wicker liad'unanimously been <br />elected to serve as Chairman and that Commissioner Hal ,L, Hancock had been <br />elected Vice-Chairman by a majority vote of four to one. Chairman Gordon A. <br />Wicker thereafter presided and the following business was transacted: <br />The Board appointed K. R. Hoyle as County Attorney and designated' <br />him to serve as Clerk to the Board of Commissioners upon motion of Commissioner <br />Dotterer, seconded by Commissioner Hancock, which motion was unanimously <br />adopted upon a vote. <br />The minutes of the November 3, 1975 meeting were corrected and <br />as corrected were approved and ordered recorded. <br />The Board recognized Mrs. Darnell, who, besides working as a <br />nurse in the Lee County Hospital is also the President of District 22 of the <br />Nurses Association. Mrs, Darnell asked the Board to. name a nurse to the Board <br />of Directors of Lee County Hospital, Inc, , as a means to allow nurses to have a <br />voice in the determination of hospital policies. Miss Betty Rosser, a part-time <br />employee at the Lee- County Hospital spoke to the Board and stated that the present <br />Directors meeting are not conducive to employees appearing and stating their <br />feelings. Commissioner Hancock asked that the name of Mrs. Nancy Matthews <br />Hall be added to the' list of nominees being considered by•the Board. Commissioner <br />Dotterer made some observations about the operations of.the hospital. Mrs. Reba <br />Coggins, another employee spoke about conditions there. <br />After hearing .all* interested parties, the Commissioners proceeded <br />to hold. an election to name the new directors. -When the votes were tallied, it was <br />determined that Dr. John Blue and Mr. Richard Rush have received the highest <br />number of votes. The Chairman declared that Dr. Blue and Mr. Rush had been <br />duly elected as directors of Lee County Hospital, Inc., for a term,of four (4) <br />years'to expire on December 30,. 1979. <br />
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