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Monday, August 16,. 1976 <br />The regular' meeting of-the Board of Commissioners for Lee <br />t Gounty,j North=,Caro'lina, :convened in-the Commissioners Room in the' County <br />Office Building, 200 Wicker Street, *Sanford, North Carolina,, at T:00: o'clock <br />;p.-m., on Monday,-`August 16, 1976: Those :present were :Commissioners William <br />u H, Cooper,'Hal -LHancock and Gordon A. Wicker, Commissioners John E. , <br />Dotterer and Franklin D. Wicker were absent•when the meeting opened. <br />' , . Chairinan Gordon A. Wicker pr6sided and.therfollowing business was <br />'transacted:' <br />The invocat sn,was given by Dr. James Sample, ,Pastor of the St, <br />Andrews Presbyterian .Church" <br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer joined the meeting and participated <br />in the further. deliberations of the Board. <br />The Chairman recognized Mr. Sidney L. 'Hodgin„and presented to <br />him.a resolution commending.him for-his efforts in portraying Uncle Sam in <br />exercises commemorating the` Bicentennial: ..Following the. presentation of the <br />resolution, Mr. Hodgin was recognized for such remarks'as he desired to make.. The <br />resolution which had been moved,, seconded and unanimously adopted;. was as follows: <br />WHEREAS, Mr,, Sidney -L. Hodgin, of <br />Lee County gave generously of his time and efforts in por- <br />traying Uncle Sam in numerous exercises commemerating <br />.the Bicentennial of the United States of America; and <br />WHEREAS, his efforts were a considerable <br />benefit to the Lee.County Bicentennial Committee;- and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of <br />Lee County.desires to recogriize`.his efforts and commend him <br />for his patriotism; , <br />. `-NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the <br />Board of Commissioners for Lee County as_follows:' <br />'(1) That it commends Mr, Sidney L. Hodgin <br />for'his efforts'in enhancing the` County celebration of the Bi- <br />Centennial of the United States -of America. <br />(2) That it expresses its appreciation for <br />contribution of time and participation in the County observance <br />.Cof the -BiCentennial. <br />(3) That a espy of this resolution be presented <br />to Mr. Sidney' L:, Hodgin by, the Chairman of this Board and that <br />copies be furnished to the, press. <br />