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704 <br />MINUTES OF .THE REGULAR"MEETING. . <br />OF <br />t , <br />THE BOARD;.OF_ COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR <br />THE COUNTY.OF LEE, NORTH CAROLINA <br />Monday,.October 18; 1976 <br />The regular meeting of the"Board of Commissioxiers'foi the County' <br />of.Lee,"North Carolina-,, met in the= Commissioners room on the second floor of the <br />County office building,. 200 Wicker Street, 'Sanford, North Carolina,' at 7:00 o'clock <br />p. m,; on-Monday, October 18,;1976. Those present,when the meeting opened, were <br />Commissioners William H,` Cooper, Franklin D, Wicker and Gordon A. Wicker. <br />Commissioners John E. Dotterer and Hal L'; Hancock were=absent when the meeting <br />opened. s- <br />+ -L <br />f Chairman Gordon'A, Wicker ,presided and:the was <br />s <br />- transacte-'d: <br />The minutes. of the.meeting of October=4;.1'9.76; were"approved and } <br />ordered' recorded, upon motion of, Commissioner. Cooper secoxided`by'Comm_ p , <br />issioner Franklin D.' Wicker,; which'motion'ivas unanimously adopted, - <br />There was "a discussion concerning.a Subdivision road near Oldhams <br />Lake and its 'status, but no formal action was taken since it was not.a-part of the <br />State system. <br />' Commissioner, John "E. Dotterer joined the meeting. and participated . in the further-deliberations of the Board <br />There:was a discussion about personnel in the-Sheriff's Department <br />and Commissioner Dotterer moved thai.Deputy Pete Bell be promoted one step. in <br />his present.grade. Commissioner Cooper:seconded the'motion and!upon a vote, it <br />was unanimously adopted. <br />Commis sioner 'John E. Dotterer'moved that the following <br />resolution be adopted: <br />WHEREAS,,, S. 15,3A 241 authorizing <br />the Board of :County Commissioners to close public roads;- and <br />WHEREAS; The, Board,of".Commissioners con- <br />sider' advisable to adopt this resolution setting forth its <br />intention-to close two unopened "roads described as follows: - <br />BEING all of that 80,foot road designated <br />as Woodlawn'Drive and all o£ that 60 foot road"designated as <br />Canterbury'Lane, as.showri on-map entitled "Subdivision of <br />Lots 83-94 & 108,-120, Incl.,' Oakwood Acres", and. recorded <br />.in Map Book 6, at. page 27, - Lee County Registry. <br />