BOOK fAGi'tJ `
<br />OF
<br />FOR
<br />Monday, November 1, 1976
<br />The' regular meeting'.of the Board of Commissioners.for the County
<br />of Lee; 'North Carolina,- convened at 9:30 o'clock a. in on Monday, November,
<br />1:, 1976,.in the, Commissioner.'s Room on the;second'floor-of the County Office
<br />Building at,200 Wicker Stree.t '._Sanford; North Carolina: Those present were
<br />" Commissioners William H Cooper, John E 'Dotterer,'.Hal L. Hancock,. Franklin
<br />'D, Wicker, and Gordon A.. Wicker.'
<br />Chairman Gordon A. Wickert"presided and the following business
<br />was transacted:.
<br />Chairman Gordon-A. Wicker opened the meeting with prayer.
<br />Commissioner Cooper moved that the names' of Mr. ;Julian Causey,
<br />M'rs,` G. S. Fitzgerald, Mrs'. James Holt, ,Mr,'N. 'V. Keith,- Mrs. Don Kowell,'
<br />Mrs: Maria•Mackey,'Mrs, Betty Sauls, Mr. Forrest Stevens, Mrs. Ruby '
<br />Mcswain'.-Mr. ;E. M. Williams;', and Mrs;,, Janice Millers -be placed~in nomination
<br />for'th'e two vacancies on the Board of Trustees `of th@ Lee County..Ho,spital, .
<br />Commissioner'Hanco;ck' seconded the motion and the'Chairman ruled that all of the
<br />names' listed in the motion were duly nominated.' Commissioner Dotterer moved
<br />that the,nominations be closed and'thatthe.two receiving. the highest number of
<br />votes .be declared the appointees of the Board,, Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker
<br />seconded 'the motion, and upon 'a .vote, it was unanimously,-adopted. The Board
<br />then proceeded, and Mrs'. Maria Mackey, and Mr-Edward M;. Williams were
<br />elected 'as'appointees to the Board
<br />Commissioner Hal L. Hancock pre,senteda~petition received asking
<br />that.a road known.a's'"Pearl•R'oad" be added to_the' State:System for:`maintenance,
<br />`After,•discu'ssiony;Commissioner.'Hancock'moved .the .adoption,of the following ,
<br />4 resolution with respect to said road: ;
<br />WHEREAS„ the attached :petition has been
<br />1.
<br />filed'.with. the Board of County Commissioners'of the County .
<br />of Lee requesting that the above' described road, the' location
<br />
<br />S , - . of which has been indicated in red on the attached` map,, be.
<br />added to th`e Secondary Road System; and -
<br />r WHEREAS,;. the Board of-County'Commissioners
<br />is-of'the opinion`thatthe above.described road should-'be added to
<br />the Secondary Road System, if-the'road2rrieets' minimum standards
<br />and criteria established by,th'e Division of Highways''of the De
<br />"partment of Transportation and Highway Safety. for the,'addition of
<br />road's to the. System. '
<br />SNOW, THEREFORE,, be it resolved by the
<br />Board ;of County'Gommissioners of ibe County of Lee, that the`
<br />Division,of-Highways -is herekiy_reuestcd`,to review the above
<br />described road, and to take'over:the road for maintenance if it.
<br />meets established standards 'and criteria
<br />