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1977 - 02-21-77 Regular Meeting
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1977 - 02-21-77 Regular Meeting
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Board of Commissioners
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BID( S PAU 769 <br />MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING <br />OF <br />BOARD OF COMIMISSIONERS <br />FOR <br />ZEE COUNTY,_.NORTH CAROLINA <br />MONDAY; FEBRUARY 21, 1977 <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for Lee County, <br />North Carolina,_convened at 7:00 P. M. on Monday, February 21, 1977,, in the <br />Commissioners' room on the second floor of the County Office Building at 200 <br />Wicker Street, Sanford, North Carolina. Those present when the meeting.opened <br />were: Commissioners William H. Cooper, Clyde J. Rhyne, and Gordon A. <br />Wicker. Corrunissioners John E. Dotterer and Franklin D. Wicker were absent <br />when the meeting opened. <br />Chairman William H. Cooper-presided and the following business was <br />transacted: <br />The invocation was given by K. R. Hoyle. <br />The minutes of the meeting held on February 7, 1977, were corrected and <br />as corrected were approved and ordered recorded upon motion of Commissioner <br />Gordon A. Wicker, seconded by Commissioner.Clyde J. Rhyne, which motion <br />was unanimously adopted upon a vote. <br />It was announced that Mrs. Steve Caplan at Duke Hospital would purchase <br />cats and dogs for use in laboratory work. <br />Commissioners John E. Dotterer and Franklin D. Wicker joined the <br />meeting and participated in the further deliberations. of the Board. <br />Commissioner Gordon A.- Wicker reported on the meeting of the District . <br />Health Board. -Commissioner Wicker stated that Orange County is withdrawing <br />from, the. District and the four remaining counties are interested in remaining <br />together. Mr. Perry Harrison has been elected the new Chairman of the Health <br />District. Upon motion of Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker, seconded by <br />COmmiSSlonerxJOhn E. Dotterer, which motion was unanimously adopted, it was <br />resolved',to express its appreciation to Mr. Bennie Bradsher for his services to <br />r the Health'"District. <br />L Chairman Cooper announced that Mr. Gilbert Matthews had resigned as <br />a member of the-Lee'County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Authority. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne, seconded by Commissioner John <br />E. Dotterer, it`was unanimously resolved'to appoint Mr. Chesley Creech to the <br />Lee County Industrial Facilities. and Pollution Control Authority to fill the vacancy <br />created by the resignation of Mr. Gilbert Matthews'. <br />Chairman Cooper announced that the Industrial Facilities and Pollution <br />Control Financing Authority would have a breakfast meeting on February 23, 1977, <br />with Mr. Bruce -Strickland of the North Carolina Department of Natural and <br />Economic Resources. <br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne presented a petition requesting that <br />the farm road off of the Fire Tower Road be added to the State maintained <br />Secondary Road System. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved the adoption <br />of the following resolution'with respect to said road: <br />"WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board <br />of County Commissioners of the County of Lee requesting that the above described <br />
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