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8 1. 780 <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF, THE <br />BOARD-OF COMMISSIONERS FOR THE-.COUNTY. <br />OF LEE,` NORTH CAROLINA = <br />Monday, April 4,' 1977.. <br />The regular meeting5of'the'Board`of Commissioners for Lee <br />County, North Carolina, convened in•the Commissioners Room on the second floor <br />of the County.Office.Building,' 20,0 Wicker Street, Sanford,, North: Carolina, at t <br />9:30 oCclock a: m., on Monday, April 4,' 1977. ' Those present when the meeting <br />opened kere.Commissioners William H,. Cooper, John E. Dotterer;' Franklin D.,. <br />Wicker, Gordon A::Wicker and Clyde 'J.'Rhyne; ` None of the.Commissioners.were <br />absent <br />Chairman William H; ,Cooper presided and the'-following business. <br />was transacted: <br />The invocation was given by-Reverend S ..L- Pastor of the <br />Broadway Presbyterian Church. <br />The minutes`of.the regular meeting held on March 21, 1977, were <br />reviewed `and' corrected and as.corrected ,twere approved and:ordered^recorded, upon- <br />motion, of Comniissioner'Frankliri D;-. Wicker,: which motion-was se.conded'by <br />Commissioner: Clyde J. Rhyne, and duly adopted, upon a:vote.' <br />Commissioner Rhyne''reported'that he'had investigated the possibility <br />of the State Highway'Divi s ion putting-in the road to the'•Lift Station, and the Northview <br />sewer line and he-was of the opinion-that,such work could not,be done under the,, <br />existing policies, and_-that the.GounEy should take action, -up'on th`e bid it had received <br />for the construction, of the road.:,Commissioner Rhyne,r.noved the, adoption of the <br />following:resolution: <br />WHEREAS, '.an-access road 'is required for' <br />the <br />maintaining the Lift'Station for the Northview Sewer 'by <br />Gity'of; Sanford,x-and <br />• WHEREAS, the road is least expensive route <br />g to the Lift Station, and . g <br />WHEREAS; alternate`,bids-`we`re;received+from <br />the contractor in the .amount of $4, 620, 06 for construction of the <br />E <br />access road, and <br />WHEREAS,-'all, efforts have been exhausted in <br />trying,,to, obtain construction. of the road by the Department of <br />` 'Transportation: <br />NOW; THEREFORE,-BE;IT RESOLVED'that>' , <br />;the. alternate bid-of,$4, 620. 00 by Blue Contracting Company, be <br />accepted and'the hereby authorized to proceed with the <br />construction of said road <br />Co nmissioner.Franklin.D Wicker seconded.the, motion and upon a <br />roll call vote, Messrs: Dotterer,'Rhyne, Franklkin D. Wicker and Gordon A. <br />- Wicker and Cooper all voted for'it'and no one voted against it. _ <br />j <br />