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BOLA, " V NUE tol r <br />MINUTES OF, THE REGULAR MEETING <br />-OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR <br />THE COUNTY' OF LEE; NORTH CAROLINA <br />MONDAY,,_ APRIL `18-, 1977 <br />The regular meeting of the Board; of Commissioners for Lee County, North <br />Carolina, convened in the Commissioners' Room on the second floor of.the County <br />Office 'Building, 200 Wicker Street, Sanford, North Carolina,- at-7:00 o'clock P. M. <br />on Monday,. April 18, 1977. Those present when the meeting opened were:. <br />Commissioners William H. Cooper;: John E. Dotterer, -Clyde J.. Rhyne,` and Gordon <br />A. Wi'ck`er. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker wasiabsent when the meeting opened. <br />Chairman. William. H. Cooper presided andthe following business was trans <br />acted: <br />The invocation was given-by the Reverend Worth Watts, Pastor of the;7onesboro <br />Press yterian Ghyrch. Commissioner:'".F'ranklin D.` Wicker joined the meeting. <br />The minutes of the regular meeting held on April 4, 1977, were approved upon <br />motion of Commissioner John, E._ Dotterer, seconded by Commissioner=Clyde J. Rhyne, <br />which'motion was'unammousiy adopted upon a vote. <br />Gommiss'ioner'Clyde_J. Rhyne reported`.upon road matters. He .ivas authorized <br />to terminate any' efforts to secure State approval of the subdivision road which has <br />been the subject of several letters to and from Mr. I. A..,Younginer'and..the Board <br />because the road` cannot comply with State requirements, , <br />The letter of"Williarii F. Rosser, District Engineer,, concerning the Resolution: <br />adopted on paving the driveway to the new, Cape Fear Rural Fire Departm'ent' was read <br />to the Board. In keeping with the recommendations contained in that letter,. <br />Commissioner .Gordon A: Wicker moved the adoption of the following revised <br />Resolution: <br />' <br />" WHEREAS; th'e Cape, Fear Rural Fire"Department has -requested <br />assistanceiin paving of the driveway from U..5.421.toJts new fire'station <br />in Broadway; and.. o <br />WHEREAS, the Division of Highways ,of the Department of,Transportation <br />ghas -authoritytoperform the=work;-NOW, THEREFORE- <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the. Board of Corhmissioners'for.Lee County <br />that=the Division 'of Highways is"'°requested;to pave the driveway from U.`S. <br />Highway 421 to'the'new fire station at the earliest possible time. <br />s, Gomrriission'er $ohn-E. Dotterer secondedthe.motion and upon a Vote it was <br />unanimously adopted <br />Mr. Jim'Coats,:Director of the Department•of Social Services ,appeared before, <br />the Board and presented the budget request for the Department"of Social Service: <br />After review and discussion, •Commis'sione-r' moved that the request be <br />-given tentative approval and that,the;Chairman and Clerk,be,execute' <br />the necessary certificate to. be furnished to the.-State Department of Social Service. <br />Commissioner'Rhyne seconded the motiori,and,upon a vote"it was unanimously.adopted.• <br />Gomnuissioner' Gordon-A.. Wicker.reported on'legislation.which would affect <br />counties and local government. <br />The Board first considered House Bill #1921'•. which provides for the repeal of r. <br />the intangible'tax. Uponmotion•:of Commissioner Gordon A: Wicker, seconded by <br />Commissioner'.Dotterer,- which motion was unanimously adopted, it was., resolved' to; <br />oppose passage of that bill.- <br />