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BOOK <br />O fAOi ILA i' <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR-MEETING OF THE <br />5 <br />-BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR THE COUNTY <br />OF LEE,. NORTH CAROLINA <br />Monday, May 2,. 1977 <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners'.for'Lee County, <br />North Carolina, convened in the Commissioners Room- on, the.second'floor of the <br />County Office-Buildings 200 Wicker Street,,Sanford, North Carolina, at.9:30 o!clock <br />A. M., on'Monday, May 2, `1977.. Those present when-the meeting opened were: <br />Commissioners William H. Cooper, Clyde'J.- Rhyne,--and Gordon A,• Wicker. <br />Commissioners John E. Dotterer and Franklin D.'Wicker.were.absen't when the <br />meeting,.opened. <br />Chairman William H. Cooper' presided and the following business <br />was transacted: _ <br />The meeting was opened by prayer given by K. R. Hoyle, the <br />CountyAttorney. <br />Commissioner Rhyne gave, a'report on road matters butthere were <br />no petitions for consideration at this'meeting. <br />Chairman Cooper-told the Board that he had insurance <br />advisory committee-to study the insurance needs of. the County and report their <br />recommendations to.the Board. . The appointees were as follows: Messrs. Mike <br />Arledge, Boyd Childress,' James L. Clark, Jim Gross, K..'R..Hoyle and E. M.' <br />Underwood. <br />Commissioner. Franklin D. Wicker joined the-meeting=and participated <br />in the,further deliberations of the Board.' <br />Chairman Cooper reported that a new ambulance had been received <br />for use by the ambulance service and that the Pontiac Ambulance was worn out and <br />was now the needs of that agency., Upon motion of Commissioner, Gordon <br />A. Wicker, seconded by Commissioner Rhyne, it was unanimously resolved to <br />authorize the sale of the Pontiac Ambulance by private negotiation and-Chairman <br />Cooper and Commissioner Franklin-D. Wicker-were,.authorized and.empowered <br />'to act on behalf of the Board in this regard. <br />Chairman Cooper had the-Clerk read the'resolution establishing <br />a district health department' beiween the: Counties;of Caswell, Chatham, Lee and <br />Person. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker 'moved the.,adoption-of.said resolution <br />which is as follows: <br />WHEREAS, the counties:of Caswell,; Chatham, Lee, <br />Orange, and,Person have heretofore formed a District Health,Depart <br />ment in.lieu:of-separate county health departments`; and ' <br />WHEREAS, the county of, Orange has elected to withdraw <br />from the District Health Department effective as of'the end of the <br />cur'r'ent fiscal year on June.30,.1977;.and t <br />WHEREAS,. the. Board ~f Commissioners for Lee County <br />is,of the-opinion that the health interests of its,citizens would be best <br />" served by a District Health Department comprised of-'the Counties of <br />Caswell, Chatham, Lee, _and-Person; <br />