_ e.
<br />,
<br />OF
<br />FOR
<br />Monday, August 1 st,. 1977,
<br />"
<br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the County .
<br />of Lee, convened in'the: Commissioners' Room on the=:second floor of the County.
<br />Office- Building at 9:30 o'clock a, m., on Monday, August 1,.1977. Those present
<br />when the meeting opened were Commissioners William H, Cooper,: Clyde J. Rhyne,
<br />and Gordon+A. Wicker, Commissioners John E. Dotterer and Franklin D. Wicker
<br />were absent. Chairman William•H. Cooper presided and the Poll-9wing business
<br />was transacted:
<br />The Reverend Burton Sherrod, Pastor of Morningside Presbyterian
<br />Church, Sanford, North Carolina,' gave the-invocation',
<br />The minutes of "the regular meeting held on Monday, July 18, 1977,
<br />were approved and ordered' recorded. upon motion of Commissioner Gordon A.' -
<br />Wicker, seconded by.Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne,'which motion was unanaimously
<br />adopted, upon a vote.
<br />The 'amendment to the minutes-of the regular meeting held on Monday,
<br />June 20th, 1977, was approved and ordered recorded'upon motion of Commissioner
<br />Gordon A. Wicker, seconded by Commissioner' Clyde J. Rhyne, which motion'was
<br />unanimously ,adopted 'upon 'a vote.
<br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker` reported on,road matters which
<br />had been brought to his attention during the period since the last meeting. There
<br />was a discussion about. roads" and signs in.the'Westlake Valley section, but no formal
<br />action was taken.
<br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne reported'that he had conferred with
<br />representatives of Williams & Works, Inc.,.,concerning'the charges for.resident
<br />engineering' supervision on Community Development projects wherein the Board
<br />had. granted a'62 dayextension.and they had reached an agreement that the sum of
<br />$1, 500. 00 would be reasonable compensation'for such services. Commissioner
<br />Franklin D.' Wicker joined the meeting during Commissioner Rhyne's report and
<br />participated in the remainder of the meeting. Commissioner„Rhyne moved that,
<br />the Board agree to.pay Williams Works,. Inc:, the sum of $1,500.0.0, for resident
<br />engineering supervision on the Lyons Bottom-Community Development project.
<br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion, and upon a roll call vote,
<br />Messrs. Rhyne, F. ,Wicker,. G. Wicker and Cooper voted for the motion and no one
<br />voted-against it.
<br />jr Change- orders=-P=1., H-1,, ai d-E_l, to the contracts for construction
<br />of the`library were presented to,the Board.: The changes were to conform to
<br />federal,wage>requirements •-and did not involve any additional funds. Commissioner
<br />Franklin D. Wicker-mov(;d.that' change orders P..1, H=I, and E_1, as prepared
<br />by Hayes,. Howell and Associates, pertaining to the contracts for the construction
<br />oM:b!e)Library beiapprove. -11 d, andAhe Chairman be authorized to execute same for
<br />and on behalf of the County.' Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion
<br />and upon'a vote, it was unanimously adopted.`, '
<br />