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MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING <br />y OF <br />THE BOARD OF.COMMISSIONERS <br />. F:OR . ` <br />LEE COUNTY; NORTH CAROLINA <br />Monday,, OctoLier 17, 1 977 <br />The r egular meeting of.the. Boar&of Comrnissioners.for, the GountyI <br />of Lee, ddnvened`in the:Commissioners-Room'oil the second:=floor of the.County <br />Office Building, 2,00 Wicker' Street, Sanford, North:Ca`rolina, at 7:00, o!clock p., m., <br />on Monday, October 17,`1977. ;Commissioners-William'H,.Cooper, Clyde J. <br />Rhyne,..and Gordon A ,.Wicker-were,, present`when the meeting opened;,. Comm <br />issioner'John'E. Dotterer and Franklin D. Wicker were absent when.the'meeting,,'-. _j <br />- opened but loinedU he meeting. later <br />Chairman William H, Cooper presided -.and the following business <br />was transacted: . <br />- r, The minutes of the regular meeting of.Oct'ober 3rd, 1977, were' <br />considered and amended and'as amended, they were approved and ordered recorded,; <br />upon motion of Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne'~,".duly:seconded,by Commissioner` <br />Gordon A. '.Wicker, _which'motion'.was unanimously ad'optc:d. <br />Commissioners John_ E. Dotterer' and Franklin D Wicker: joined <br />-the meeting and participated in',tl,e'fui'ther deliberations of the Board, <br />Commissioner.Gordon'P Wicker reported on his conversation with <br />,,.Mr, Tom Bradshaw, -concerning the Lee County Roads'when the representatives of <br />"the Department of Transportation'.,visited Sanford recently.-,Commissioner Rhyne <br />asked Commissioner.Wicker'to ascertain the status of the requested%iniproverrients <br />on Windmill road <br />Mrs..'eared before the Board and discussed the <br />"Tiutrition program' operated by the Council On-Ag:ng. Mrs. Durham specifically <br />requested funds for the local matching contributon'for the operationiofithe.Nutrition <br />Program:, 'Afte'r discussion, Cc mmissioner'Gordon A. ,Wicker moved that the ;sum <br />of $2, 065: OO be appropriated from "the Emergency and.Contingency-. Fund to the <br />Social Services Fund-for the yurpose' of,operating'and maintaining -the ;Nutrition <br />Program under`Title VII=.. Commissioner Franklin D `Wicker's'econd'edTthe motion ' <br />and upon,a roll call vote, Messrs . Dotterer,:; Rhyne= Franklin D' Wicker,. Gordon A.. <br />Wicker, and Cooper,all •voted for it`and no one, voted-against+_it c L''F <br />Mrs Reggie Durham appeared-before'the',-Board on behalf of the <br />Council On`Aging and requested that the w.B'oa'rd give an i'di cation whether it intended <br />'.to participate in the Nutrition Program for-19,7&--.Upon motioin,ofConmissioner <br />on <br />E. D'otterer, duly_.seconded,by Commissioner Gordon=•Ar Wicker, .it was'unan- <br />irriously`resolved -to-authos•ize.tli 'Chairman.tosign a-1ette'r;of intent that the County <br />intended*'to;participate inthe Nutrition Program during. 1978: <br />Mr. _Tom Johnson,.Administrator of"the. Caswell, Chatham, Lee and <br />Person. Counties''District, appeared, before the Board and was introduced.'- A <br />discussion. of the public health'programs was` hPld'and` Mr: Johnson invited the <br />members•to'stop by his office in-Pittsboro any. time. <br />