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<br />OF
<br />yt jF FOR
<br />Friday, -June 30th; 1978
<br />The special meeting of the Board of Commissioners, for the County
<br />of Lee, North Carolina, held at the call of the Chairman, pursuant to N. C.
<br />G. S.. 153A-40, convened. in the Commissioners Room'on,the second floor of the
<br />County Office Building, 200 Wicker'Street, Sanford,.North Carolina, at 1:30 o'clock .
<br />P. M„ on Friday, June 30,_ 1978,,the same being the time, date, and place speci-
<br />fied in the call.-,
<br />Those-'present when the meeting, convened were Commissioners
<br />-Clyde J. Rhyne,, Franklin D. Wicker,' Gordon:A. Wicker,' and William H. Cooper.
<br />Commissioner .John E. Dotterer.was absent.
<br />Chairman William H. Cooper.'presided and the following business was
<br />transacted:, -
<br />The meeting was opened by.alprayer given by the County Attorney.
<br />Mr, Ronald W. Harrison, of Freeman and, Company, insurance
<br />-
<br />consultants to.the County, appeared before the Board and. presented and'reviewed
<br />his recommendations as to coverage and bids. 'After,'his presentation, Commissioner
<br />Clyde J. Rhyne moved that the low bid be accepted. Several of bidders asked to
<br />review.the spread sheet which contained all of the bids and Commissioner Rhyne
<br />withdrew his motion-to, allow the bidders to review the data and discuss the matter
<br />with Mr. • Harrison,
<br />The Board then recognized Mrs. Beatrice Fields;' County Finance
<br />Officer,. who presented information as to the amendments necessary to balance the
<br />budget for the fiscal year ending June 30,, 1'978. Commissioner Gordon A, Wicker
<br />moved that $43, 855. 00 be appropriated from 'the, unappropriated surplus in the .
<br />General Fund,and be allocated to,the departments in the General Fund, as follows:
<br />Department ' Line Item ` Amount
<br />Commissioners 10-410-000. 105.00
<br />Sanitation, 10-580-00- 5, 958.00
<br />-Medical Examiner I0-600-00.: 250.00
<br />FICA' 10-660-05 1,279.00
<br />Group Insurance 10-660-06' 5, 928.00
<br />Retirement 10-660-07 4,288.00.
<br />Compensation Surety Bonds' 10-660-54, 10, 689.60
<br />Technical Assistance 1 0-66088 1,625.00
<br />Grants Administrator .10-660-93 1; 691. 00
<br />Sales Tax 10-665``-01 "2, 042. 00
<br />