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1975 - 04-21-75 Regular Meeting
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1975 - 04-21-75 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
12/18/2009 8:15:04 AM
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12/18/2009 8:14:36 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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'MINUTES OF: THE REGULAR MEETING <br />of <br />'THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />for <br />LEE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />Monday, April 21,- 1975 <br />The regular meeting of the Board' of Commissioners for the <br />County of Lee, met in the Commissioners *Room on the second floor of the <br />County Office Building,, 201 Wicker. Street;, Sanford, North Carolina, at 7:00 <br />o'clock p, m., on Monday, April 21, 1975. Commissioners William H; Cooper, <br />John E. - Dotterer, Hal L. Hancock, Franklin D. Wicker and Gordon'A. Wicker <br />were present. None of the Commissioners were absent. <br />Chairman Gordon A.- Wicker presided and the following business <br />was transacted: <br />Maps showing', the location of roads and adjoining lots in the area <br />between Frazier Drive and the -Lemon Springs Road were distributed and considered <br />by the Board, ' The. Chairman stated that the portion of the road outside of the <br />corporate limits of the City of-'Sanford would be added to the State Maintained <br />System if the property owners would pay $4. 00 per front-foot for paving said <br />road. The matter was referred to Commissioner Hancock to see if the prop- <br />erty owners were agreeable to pay such charge. <br />The matter of the budget for the Sanford-Lee County Board' of <br />Education, came up for discussion. Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved that <br />the sum of $153, 000. 00 be appropriated from the unappropriated surplus in the <br />Schools Current Expense Fund and the expenditure of`saxine be authorized for <br />current expense purposes; to authorize the transfer.of.$10,,400. 00 from unremitted <br />tax collections to the Schools'Current Expense; Fund and to authorize the expenditure <br />for current expense purposes;,to authorize :the transfer,.6f $60, 000. 00 to the <br />Schools Current Expense Reserve, Fund. (working capital) from unremitted school <br />tax collections with .provision'thatthe're must be at'least $60, 000.00 in'the working <br />capital:,fund at'the end of the fiscal year; appropriate the'sum of $37, 992. 00 from <br />the unappropriated surplus in the School Capital Outlay Fund and to authorize the <br />expenditure of same for capital outlay purposes; Commissioner William H. <br />Cooper seconded the"motion and upon a roll call vote, Messrs. Cooper; Dotterer, <br />Hancock; Franklin D. Wicker.and Gordon A. Wicker all voted for it and no one <br />voted against it. <br />Mrs. Pattie Mae McGildary, Register: of Deeds, appeared ` <br />before the Board and presented the budget request for the operation of her office <br />for the coming fiscal year.' <br />Mrs. Chrys Baggett appeared before'the Board and presented <br />the County's Community Development Application: 'After discussion and review, <br />the.Board considered the following resolution: <br />WHEREAS, ' THE COUNTY OF LEE <br />is intensely 'interested in making itself an excellent place <br />° for-living and working for,all its citizens and consequent- <br />ly is anxious_to`work for the.'removal of.all factors that <br />make the accomplishment of such a.goal difficult, <br />including any causes and,e'vidences of blight and deterioration; <br />and' <br />• /I <br />
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