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Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Parks, Reives, Smith, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously <br />At this time the Board conducted joint public hearings with the Lee County Planning Board that <br />had been advertised for this date and time. <br />Planner Althea Thompson outlined the first public hearing submitted by Village of Cumnock, <br />LLC to rezone 53.63 ± acres of land located south of Cotten Road and east of Cumnock Road from <br />Residential Restricted (RR) district to Multifamily 12 (MF -12) district. Mr. Gray Styers, Attorney for the <br />Village of Cumnock outlined the entire project and stated his support for the four rezoning requests. <br />Mr. Styers stated the master plan consisted of highway commercial and retail centers, mixed -use <br />residential housing, open spaces, job centers and natural areas. Once rezoning is approved, detailed <br />site plans will be brought back before the Commissioners for approval before any construction begins <br />on the site. Mr. Styers stated that at this time, they have no desire to be annexed by the City of <br />Sanford and will not be applying for annexation voluntarily. <br />Chairman Parks opened the first public hearing. <br />Mr. Kevin Bryant, Zimmerman Road, stated he was not against the project, only had concerns <br />about the volume of traffic that will be created on Zimmerman Road and Cumnock Road if the project is <br />approved. He asked Commissioners to take into consideration the people that currently live in the area <br />and what they will have to give up if roads are widened. He also questioned why a traffic count had not <br />been completed on Cumnock Road (one was completed on Cotten Road). Community Development <br />Director Bob Bridwell stated he would contact DOT and asked them to complete a traffic count on <br />Cumnock Road. <br />Mr. Dale Marks, 1258 Black Road, Cameron, questioned if citizens would have to pay extra for <br />any water /sewer upgrades that might occur due to the project. <br />No one present spoke for or against the rezoning request. <br />Chairman Parks closed the public hearing for this item. <br />Ms. Thompson outlined the second public hearing submitted by Village of Cumnock, LLC to <br />rezone 81.36 ± acres of land located east of the Deep River and west of Cumnock Road from <br />Residential Agricultural (RA) district to Residential 6- Conditional district (R -6 -C). Mr. Gray Styers <br />stated approximately 15 acres of this site are located in a flood plan and will be designated for <br />park/outdoor use. The property could be donated to the County, homeowners association or another <br />group at some point. A greenway easement will also be recommended for the area with buffers in <br />place for separation. <br />Chairman Parks opened the second public hearing. <br />No one present spoke for or against the rezoning request. <br />Chairman Parks closed the second public hearing. <br />3 <br />