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a00f. 9 rAaW <br />adopted. It was noted that one-half of the costs of this system will be re-paid <br />to the County by federal funds. <br />Commissioner Rhyne moved that the sum of $1, 857. 00 be approp- <br />riated from the Emergency and Contingency Fund to the non-departmental item <br />in the General Fund for the purpose of paying for the Christmas baskets for the <br />County employees. Commissioner Funderburke seconded the motion and upon a <br />roll call vote, Commissioner Funderburke, Nielsen, Rhyne, Wicker and Harmon <br />voted for it and no one voted against it. <br />. The Chairman advised the Board it needed to appoint a member of <br />the commission to serve on the Airport Commission to fill the vacancy created <br />by the expiration of Mr. Cooper's term on the Board. Commissioner Lila P. <br />Nielsen nominated Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne for the position. Commissioner <br />Jack Funderburke seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations <br />and after an appropriate interval, the Chairman asked for a motion closing the <br />nominations. Commissioner Nielsen moved that the nominations be closed and <br />that Commissioner Rhyne be elected to fill such vacancy, by acclamation. Comm- <br />issioner Funderburke seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously <br />adopted. Commissioner Rhyne did not participate in the vote on this motion. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Rhyne, duly seconded and upon a <br />vote unanimously adopted, it was resolved to advertise for the purchase of two <br />automobiles for the Sheriff's Department and one ambulance. The Finance <br />Officer was instructed to provide Commissioner Funderburke with a copy of the <br />specifications for the purchase of the automobiles. <br />Mr. Jon Moore, Supervisor of the CETA Program, appeared <br />before the Board and reviewed the budget admendments that he had requested <br />at the previous meeting of the Board. Mr. Moore advised the Board that the <br />program presently had funds which would enable them to operate for approximately <br />two to two and one-half months and that the Contingency Funds are provided to <br />take care of the phasing out of the program and transferring people to other <br />programs. Commissioner Wicker requested that all CETA employees be made <br />aware of the fact that the program will expire in approximately two and one-half <br />months and Mr. Moore stated that this had been done. <br />The Finance officer appeared before the Board and explained that <br />effective January 1, 1979, the minimum wage went to $2. 90 per hour. Comm- <br />issioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the Finance Officer be authorized and <br />empowered to review the County records for all salaried employees and to promote <br />any employee whose salary does not conform to the lowest step which does comply <br />with the federal minimum wage law and further, that she be authorized and empow- <br />ered to raise all hourly employees of the County to the minimum wage extended by <br />the Federal Government. <br />Commissioner Funderburke seconded the motion and upon a vote <br />it was unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner Rhyne brought up for consideration the request <br />from Mr. P. K. Buchanan for assistance in running a water and sewer line to <br />an industrial site. The Board reported that it had only limited funds for water <br />lines, and no funds for sewer lines and Mr. Rhyne stated he would report this <br />to Mr. Buchanan. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker requested that a manual on the <br />Dog Law be purchased for the Dog Warden. <br />