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BOOK 20 PAGE 68~ <br />-3- <br />8. To purchase all materials necessary for construction and/or maintenance of access trails <br />around the ponds/lake. <br />To provide 25 percent of the operational cost (e.g. fish food, fish feeders, fish, fishing <br />tackle, etc.) as stated in the management plan and is payable to the Commission by May <br />15th of each fiscal year. <br />IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED: <br />That this Agreement shall become effective as soon as signed by both parties and the <br />program shall continue in effect until December 31, 2010. Upon reaching the <br />termination date, the Agreement will automatically be renewed for an additional 5 years <br />unless either party requests cancellation in writing. Either party can terminate this <br />Agreement by providing a written notice with a 180-day grace period for termination. <br />2. That fishing regulations and licenses, as required by state law, shall be jointly publicized <br />and enforced. <br />That nothing in this Agreement shall obligate either party to any conditions not specially <br />stated herein or in the attached management plan. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year <br />first written above. <br />Approved and agreed to: <br />Lee <br />County <br />natu of ayor, Manager <br />or Other Official <br />David M. Smitherman, County <br />11/7/05 <br />Date <br />North Carolina Wildlife <br />Resources Commission <br />Executive Director <br />Manager <br />Date <br />