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2005 - 11-07-05 Regular Meeting
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2005 - 11-07-05 Regular Meeting
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1/16/2009 3:21:20 PM
Board of Commissioners
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BOOK 20 PAGF 683 <br />Mr. Payne stated that installation of backstop poles and netting should be completed in <br />3-5 days after poles are received. Once backstop poles are installed, concrete <br />walkways and pads will be installed, and the installation of dugouts and the field house <br />will complete the project. Infield work on athletic fields, installation of landscaping and <br />grading for the trail around the pond will be completed in mid-late November. Mr. <br />Payne further stated that installation of the boardwalk area around the pond will be <br />completed in the Spring of 2006. <br />Mr. Jimmy Batchelor and Mr. Rex Brown from the Sanford Area Home Builders <br />Association were present and stated that their organization is trying to raise funds from <br />contributions to assist with the project. They are soliciting support from the community <br />in the form of money, materials, equipments, and/or labor in order to assist with <br />completing this project. <br />Mr. Payne stated that he had met with the regional Parks and Recreation <br />consultant Jennifer MacDougall to review the application. Ms. MacDougall stated that <br />site analysis needed more detail and soils and topography sections in particular needed <br />to have more detail as well as maps. The Soil and Water Conservation Office along <br />with Strategic Services assisted with maps and soil analysis. Another area of concern <br />was the fact that no public input meeting was held. This area of concern was <br />addressed at the August advisory board meeting and a formal public hearing will be <br />scheduled for the December Commissioners meeting. Numerous presentations have <br />been made to local public and civic groups in the past several weeks. Letters of <br />support, a resolution, and Club News section of The Sanford Herald are available to <br />assist with scoring criteria. No action was taken on the matter. <br />Parks and Recreation Director John Payne gave the Board an update on Byrd <br />Optimist Park on Wilkins Drive Extension. Mr. Payne told the Board that the Sanford <br />Optimist Foundation owns twenty acres of land that they are willing to donate to Lee <br />County to construct two soccer fields, restroom facilities, parking area, walking trail, and <br />a small picnic area. The land is valued at $155,000 and is to be donated to Lee County <br />and used as part of the local match, along with $20,430 in cash from the County. Cost <br />of the project is estimated to be approximately $350,860. Mr. Payne further stated that <br />a grant application was submitted in 2005 through the federal Land and Water <br />Conservation Fund but denied. Recreation Resources Services has notified Mr. Payne <br />that there will not be a 2006 funding cycle; however, unfunded 2005 applications will be <br />considered for funding of the $650,000 remaining in the 2005 fund from unfunded <br />projects. No action was taken on the matter. <br />County Manager David Smitherman updated the Board on the FY 2002 CDBG <br />Scattered Site Rehabilitation Project. He stated that a recent meeting was held with the <br />Project Manager from Benchmark CMR and City staff to discuss complications that <br />have arisen from the project. Staff from the Community Development Office feels that <br />Division of Community Assistance (DCA's) involvement and directives have caused <br />undue difficulties with the project. Staff feel that DCA's inability and unwillingness to <br />permit local administration to perform their duties has caused confusion and disruption <br />of the project. It is felt that the consequences of these difficulties could potentially <br />reflect Lee County's desire to accept further projects. Community Development staff <br />3 <br />
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