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0 BGOK 20 PAGE 682 <br />• Senior Center General Purpose Funding FY 2005-06 Application request <br />(per attached copy) <br />• Approval of Expanded Food and Nutrition Food Program to be housed at <br />the Cooperative Extension Office <br />• Settlement Agreement and Release between RBC Centura and Lee <br />County for Carolina Apartment Products, Inc. (per attached copy) <br />• Recognition of Sanford Civitan Club contribution for the construction of a <br />handicap ramp at the McKinney House <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Brown, Hincks, Lemmond, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Paschal <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />4-H Director Bill Stone introduced 4-H representatives Ashley Hill, Shawn <br />Chapman, and Jordan Chapman. Ms. Hill presented the history of agriculture, Mr. <br />Chapman read the joint proclamation with the City of Sanford and Lee County for Farm- <br />City Week which will be held November 18-24, 2005, and Ms. Chapman issued an <br />invitation to Board members to participate in the various Farm-City activities that will be <br />taking place between now and the end of Farm-City week. <br />Ms. Glenda Riggsbee of 107 Angel Road signed up to speak during the Public <br />Comments section of the meeting. Ms. Riggsbee stated that she had paid her deposit <br />for countywide water in 1999 and had recently been refunded her deposit because there <br />weren't enough funds available to furnish water on her road. She left a bottle of dingy, <br />discolored water that comes from her well and stated that her family has to purchase <br />bottled drinking water. Since the County no longer handles the water system, Ms. <br />Riggsbee was asked to discuss the matter with City Council members at their next <br />meeting. County Manager David Smitherman was also asked to discuss the matter with <br />City Manager Leonard Barefoot to see if any help in obtaining water could be offered to <br />Ms. Riggsbee. No action was taken on the matter. <br />Parks and Recreation Director John Payne gave the Board an update on Phase I <br />and Phase 11 of the Tramway Road Park. Mr. Payne stated that the following work had <br />been completed for the Phase I project: <br />• Grading for athletic fields <br />• Grading for parking area <br />• Irrigation lines and booster pump for athletic fields <br />• Vinyl coated fencing for athletic fields <br />• Sprigging of turf on athletic fields <br />• Overseeing of turf on athletic fields <br />• Placement of electrical service transformer <br />2 <br />