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0 BOOK 20 PiGE 696; 0 <br />FY 2006 SENIOR CENTER GENERAL PURPOSE PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />Senior Center to receive funding: Enrichment Center of Lee County <br />2. Amount of funding (state/local/total): $21,816 <br />3. Area served by Senior Center/s: Lee County <br />4. Describe how the funding will be spent at each location specified above: <br />Professional services/speakers for special programs and events, program <br />supplies, printing and marketing of programs, office supplies, fitness <br />equipment, digital camera and accessories, video camera and <br />accessories, laptop computer, DSL connection for public access lab, <br />subscriptions to periodicals for programming, information and sharing, <br />congregate and home delivered meal equipment and supplies, plants and <br />shrubbery for grounds. <br />Triangle J Area Agency On Aging <br />