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0 BOOK 20 P.AGE : 55 <br />Revaluation Coordinator Mike Cole gave the Board a monthly update on the <br />2007 Revaluation Project. No action was taken. <br />City of Sanford's E-911 Communications Director Pat Garner discussed with the <br />Board new equipment that will be purchased from revenue received from wireline and <br />wireless fees located at City Hall. Mr. Garner stated that the current system has been in <br />place for six years and needs to be updated. Mr. Garner was asked to submit, in <br />writing, his opinion as to the 911 systems ability to reduce the current wireline and <br />wireless user fees, and also information on allowable uses of the collected fees. No <br />action was taken. <br />The Board considered an Employee of the Month/Year Program for Lee County <br />employees. Strategic Initiatives Director Lesa Price told the Board that in keeping with <br />the Board's Mission Statement, an Employee Enhancement Committee has been <br />formed to work on recognition for county employees. The Committee would like to <br />implement an Employee of the Month/Year Program that will honor twelve employees <br />selected by peers in their department as Employee of the Month. At the end of the <br />year, an Employee of the Year will be selected from the twelve Employees of the Month. <br />Ms. Price stated that the Committee is asking that the Board of Commissioners approve <br />the Employee of the Month/Year Program and awards presented by the Committee to <br />honor the selected employees. She further stated that approximately $1,000.00 per <br />year will be needed to implement the program. Funds for FY 2005-06 will come from <br />the Human Resource Department's Customer Service training budget. After some <br />discussion, Commissioner Adams moved to approve the Employee of the Month/Year <br />Program as outlined by Ms. Price. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Brown, Hincks, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. Commissioner <br />Lemmond asked that space in the lobby of the Government Center be made available <br />to display pictures of the employee of the month/year. <br />Commissioner Lemmond asked that a traffic study for possible placement of <br />signage be completed by the North Carolina Department of Transportation at the <br />intersection of Bruce Coggins Road and Hickory House Road. He stated he had <br />received several calls in reference to the curve at this intersection, the blind spot, and <br />school bus traffic safety. After some discussion, the County Manager was asked to <br />submit a letter to DOT for a traffic study to address the above mentioned matters. <br />Commissioner Reives asked for an explanation of how garnishments of wages <br />for unpaid automobile taxes are handled. Tax Administrator Kep Kepley explained the <br />procedure. No action was taken. <br />County Manager David Smitherman and Finance Director Lisa Minter discussed <br />the monthly financial report for September 2005. Ms. Minter was asked to provide pre- <br />audit information to the Commissioners before the November 7th meeting. <br />4 <br />