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2005 - 09-19-05 Regular Meeting
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2005 - 09-19-05 Regular Meeting
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2/25/2009 2:41:26 PM
Creation date
1/16/2009 3:11:26 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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nil ~ <br />5Gi)X , *J PAGE 64 <br />0 (7) Serious structural deterioration creating a likelihood of collapse. <br />(C) Violation. It shall be a violation of this article for an owner or parry of interest, to knowingly <br />permit, allow or condone the existence of unfit conditions of habitation upon the land which pose an <br />imminent threat of serious bodily Kann of occupants of a dwelling or dwelling unit, or any person <br />upon the premises of adjacent property or neighborhood. Failure of the owner to correct the unfit <br />condition of habitation which poses imminent threat of serious bodily injury within the time prescribed <br />by the inspector shall be prima facie proof of the initial violation. Each day's existence of the <br />condition, subsequent to the date of correction specified by the Inspector, shall be an additional <br />separate and distinct violation. <br />(D) Procedure: <br />(1) The Inspector, upon receipt of a complaint or upon his own initiative, shall investigate the <br />alleged unlawful condition. The Inspector shall determine if the condition creates an <br />imminent threat of bodily harm to occupants or persons upon the premises. Such <br />determination constitutes a violation of this article. <br />(2) Upon such determination, the Inspector shall: <br />(a) Placard the main entrance of any structure. The placard shall provide notice that the <br />structure has been condemned and is deemed unsafe for human occupancy. <br />(b) Notify the owner or party of interest of the inspectors determination that the dwelling <br />or dwelline unit is unfit for human habitation, and poses an imminent threat of bodily <br />harm to occupants or persons upon the premises, and that such condition is a violation <br />of this article. <br />(3) The notice shall be in writing and served in accordance with Section 4-S3 and shall state: <br />(a) The particular condition found n> pose a serious threat of bodily injury and that the <br />condition is both a criminal and civil violation of this article <br />(b) The specific correction to be made. <br />(c) The date of the initial violation as the date ofrcceipt of tile notice. <br />(d) The date not later than which the correction is to be made. <br />(e) The failure to correct the condition within the time prescribed in the notice is prima <br />facie proofof the initial violation. <br />(t) That each day's willful failure to correct the condition subsequent to the date <br />prescribed in the notice for correction is a separate and distinct violation of this article. <br />(4) The Inspector shall prescribe a reasonable time for the correction of the condition found to <br />pose a serious threat of bodily harm, hm~rver. that period shall not be less than seventy-t%ro <br />(72) hours. <br />(5) A copv of Section 4-56 shall accowpany the notice. <br />(E) Enforcement <br />(1) Violation of this section subjects the o%,ner or party in interest to a civil penalty of fiftc <br />dollars (S50-00) per day. subsequcnl m the dale ofrcceipt of the notice of violation- for each <br />C:medocAsr\adminisirativcliIcs\ordinanceAmhordinancc-Iecco-updated 9/15/03 20 <br />
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