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trucks instead of the current weight-based fee structure. Rates for the Harnett County <br />landfill were quoted by Mr. Knight, which he said were lower than rates charged in Lee <br />County. Mr. Knight also discussed the "Blaylock" landfill which is located in Harnett <br />County. After much discussion, Commissioner Reives moved to temporarily use <br />Harnett County's rate for tractor trailers, tri-axles and tandem trucks and for the County <br />Manager to present a report on the matter at the next meeting on October 3, 2005. <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Brown, Hincks, Lemmond, Pascal, and Reives <br />Nay: Stevens <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted by a six to one vote. <br />Revaluation Coordinator Mike Cole gave the Board an update on the 2007 <br />Revaluation Project. Various questions concerning the "discovery" process were <br />discussed. After some discussion, it was agreed that the discover letter would be <br />changed to be more "citizen friendly". Chairman Hincks moved that Tax Administrator <br />Kep Kepley be permitted to convene the Board of Equalization and Review at his <br />discretion. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Brown, Hincks, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Mike Watson, Director of the Sandhills Center gave the Board an update on the <br />recent Lee-Harnett-Sandhills merger and implementation of Mental Health Reform in <br />the Sandhills area. Mr. Watson thanked Board members for their support during the <br />transition period and stated that the merger went extremely well. He stated that he was <br />fortunate to have a very talented group of people working in Lee County. An <br />emergency services contract between Holly Hills and Central Carolina Hospital has <br />been entered into for weekend services, along with a contract for emergency room <br />doctors. Bed space still continues to be a problem because of the State closing some <br />facilities. Mr. Watson stated that the State has not done all they said they would do, <br />which is creating problems and concerns. He finished his presentation by stating that <br />help was needed from the private sector in order to implement the Mental Health <br />Reform. No action was required on the matter. <br />The Board held a public hearing at this time to close out the FY 2002 Community <br />Development Block Grant (CDBG). Planner Karen Kennedy told the Board the public <br />hearing had been advertised for this date and time and was a requirement in order to <br />close out the project. Ms. Kennedy stated that the FY 2002 CDBG grant provided <br />housing rehabilitation assistance for low to moderate income homeowners of Lee <br />County. Eight (8) houses were rehabilitated within the program and the grant amount <br />was $400,000, which included housing rehabilitation, temporary relocation assistance, <br />and related administration activities. <br />Chairman Hincks opened the public hearing at this time. <br />