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n n ~nr <br />(A) Preliminary Investigation. Whenever a petition is filed with the Inspector by a public authority, or <br />by a least five (5) residents of the county, or by an occupant charging that a dwelling is violative <br />of provisions of this article, or whenever it appears to the inspector that any dwelling is violative <br />of the provisions of this ordinance, the inspector shall make an investigation and prepare an <br />itemized list of such violations. <br />(B) For the purpose of making inspections, the inspector is hereby authorized to enter, examine and <br />survey at all reasonable hours all dwellings, dwelling units, rooming units and the premises <br />associated therewith. The owner or occupant of every dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming house or <br />rooming unit, or the person in charge thereof, shall give the inspector free access to such premises <br />at all reasonable hours for the purpose of such inspection, examination and survey. When <br />permission to inspect a dwelling or its premises is denied, the inspector shall obtain an <br />administrative warrant to inspect. <br />(C) Complaint and Notice of Hearin,. The Inspector shall issue and cause to be served upon the <br />owner of, and parties of interest in such dwelling, a complaint accompanied by a copy of the <br />itemized list of such violations and advise the owner such violations are to be corrected to bring <br />the dwelling in conformance with the Minimum Housing Code. The complaint shall include a <br />notice that a hearing will be held before the Hearing Officer at a place therein fixed, not less than <br />ten (10) nor more than thirty (30) days after the serving of the complaint, so that the owner may <br />give any reason wiry he should not bring the dwelling into conformity. 'File owner or any party in <br />interest shall have the right to File an answer to the complaint and to appear in person or <br />otherwise: and give testimony at the place and time fixed in the complaint. 'I he rule of evidence <br />prevailing in corms of law and equity shall not be controlling in these hearings. <br />(D) Issuance of Order. <br />(1) If, after such notice and hearing as designated in Section 4-53(C) above, the Bearing Officer <br />determines that the dwelling under consideration is violative of standards Or requirements <br />herein set forth, he shall state in writing his findings of-fact in support ofsuch determination, <br />and shall issue and cause to be served upon the owner thereof, an order. <br />(2) The order shall state that the owner must complete the corrective action in either subsection <br />(a), (b), (c), or (d) below, at the owner's option. <br />(a) Repair, alter and/or improve each dwelling so as to render it fit for human <br />habitation" in accordance with standards set forth in this article. The orener shall <br />correct ordinance violations as itemized in the inspectors report. Should any other <br />unsafe or hazardous condition become apparent during the course of such work, that <br />condition also shall be remedied to bring the dwelling up to minimum housing <br />standards set forth in this article. <br />(b) Remove the dwelling from the lot. <br />(c) Demolish the dwelling and remove all debris from the lot. <br />(d) Comply with any requirement imposed upon an owncdoccupant of a dwelling unit by <br />this article. <br />(3) The order shall specify a period of time, not to exceed ninety (90) days from the date ofthe <br />order- to complete all pork as outlined in Section 4-33 (1 ))(Z) above <br />(4) Such order may also require the owner to immediately %acatc or cause to be vacated and <br />closed the dwelling and keep it vacant until all work is completed. <br />C:mvdocAsr\administrntivefilcs\ordinunceAmhordinance-Iceat-updated 9/15/03 15 <br />