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2005 - 09-19-05 Regular Meeting
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2005 - 09-19-05 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
2/25/2009 2:41:26 PM
Creation date
1/16/2009 3:11:26 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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U\Ili~\ /~U Pic; V V:~S <br />(a) Every habitable room in a dwelling or dwelling unit shall contain a window or windows facing <br />outside and the total glass area of such window or windows shall not be less than eight percent <br />(8%) of the floor area of such room. Windows shall be maintained in accordance with Section 4- <br />78(c). <br />(b) Open-able .cindow area in each habitable room shall be equal to at least one-half of the minimum <br />required window area and open directly to the outside unless the room is served by an approved <br />ventilating system. This requirement does not apply to emergency egress windows from sleeping <br />rooms as required in Section 4-73(a). <br />(c) All operable and open-able windows shall be adequately screened. All operable or open-able <br />exterior doors shall have either a screen door or a storm door, equipped with a self-closing device. <br />When approved by the Inspector, the screens on windows and doors may be omitted for dwelling <br />units containing a permanently installed heating and air conditioning system providing the <br />dwelling unit with year round mechanical ventilation. Screens shall be installed in dwellings with <br />window air conditioning units which are not permanently installed. <br />(d) Window frames and glass shall be reasonably weather-tight, with no cracked or broken glass. <br />(e) Each toilet room and bathroom shall have an operable window unless served by other approved <br />ventilation. <br />O Each dwellin_ unit must provide two remote exits or if only one exit is provided, every sleeping <br />room must have at least one open-able window approved for emergency egress. Ile window <br />must be operable from the inside without use of key or tool. The window sill height shall not <br />exceed 44" above the floor_ Such window shall provide a minimum clear opening width of 20' <br />an(] a minimum clear opening height of 22". The total net clear opening shall not be less than <br />four (4) square feet. Bars, grills or other obstructions placed over these windows must be <br />releasable or removable from the inside without the use of a key or tool. <br />(g) Evcn public hall and inside stamvay in every dwelling or multifamily dwelling shall be <br />adequately lighted at all times to permit sale passage <br />Sec. 4-78. Structural Standards. <br />(a) f=oundations - <br />(1) The foundation shall be on firm, reasonably dql ground, and there shall be no water standing <br />or running under the building. <br />(2) All elements of the foundation including piers, underpinning and masonry shall be in good <br />repair. Piers shall be sound. <br />(3) There shall be sound footings on adequate bearing soil. <br />(4) There shall be no wood stiff knees or other improper piers. <br />(5) No isolated masonry pier shall exceed( 10) times the least dimension. <br />(6) Units, when underpinned. shall use an approved material so as to be substantially weather <br />and rodent proof A crawl space access. with cover, shall be provided to the under floor <br />space. Adequate ventilation shall be provided to the tixmdation area by approved methods. <br />(b) Floors <br />C:nrvdocAsrAadministIati%cfiIcs\orciirnanceAmhordinsncc-Iceco-updated 9/15/03 <br />
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