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2005 - 09-19-05 Regular Meeting
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2005 - 09-19-05 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
2/25/2009 2:41:26 PM
Creation date
1/16/2009 3:11:26 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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G§ <br />M <br />(e) Water-heating facilities shall be provided which are properly installed, are maintained in safe and <br />good working condition, are properly connected with the hot water line to each tub, shower, <br />lavatory, kitchen sink, washing machine, and/or any other supplied plumbing fixture and are <br />capable of supplying water at a temperature of not less than 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Such <br />supplied water-heating facilities shall be capable of operating independently of the space-heating <br />equipment. <br />(f) All fixtures shall be in proper working condition with no leaks existing. <br />(g) No fixtures shall be cracked, broken or badly chipped. <br />(h) Hopper bowl toilets are hereby prohibited. <br />(i) Access to toilet and bathing facilities shall be through a weathertight area without going outside <br />the building. <br />(j) Every water closet compartment floor surface and bathroom floor surface shall be so constructed <br />and maintained as to be reasonably impervious to water so as to permit such floor to be readily <br />kept in clean and sanitary condition. <br />(k) All water piping shall be protected from freezing by approved methods. <br />(1) At least one three-inch minimum size plumbing vent shall be properly installed for each building. <br />(m) Sewer and water lines shall be properly supported with no broken or leaking lines. <br />(a) Water closets shall be properly connected to a cold water line. <br />Sec. 4-75. Heating Standards. <br />(a) Every building and dwelling unit shall be svcatherproof and capable of being adequately heated. <br />The heating equipment in every dwelling or dwelling unit shall be maintained in a safe workable <br />condition. <br />(1) Everv central or electric heating system. shall be properly installed and maintained in good <br />and safe %+orking condition and capable of safely and adequately heating all habitable <br />rooms, bathrooms and cater closet compartments in occupied housing to a temperature of at <br />least 68 degrees 1ahrenheit at a point three (3) feet above the floor with an outside <br />temperature of 20 clegrees Fahrenheit. <br />(2) Where a central or electric heating system is not provided, each dwelling unit shall be <br />provided kith sufficient fireplaces, chimney fries. or L 2S vents whereby heating appliances <br />may be properly connected so as to furnish a minimum temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit <br />at a point three (3) feet above the floor with an outside temperature of 20 degrees <br />Fahrenheit. <br />(3) All gas and oil burning equipment installed on the premises shall be of a type approved and <br />installed in accordance with the provisions of the North Carolina State Building Code and <br />any other applicable codes. <br />(b) Liquid fact stored on the premises shall be stored in accordance with the provisions of the North <br />Carolina State Building Code and arty other applicable codes <br />(c) Chinmcys shall be ti ~ht safe and capable of maintaining proper drnft of combustion bx- <br />C:mvclocAsr\administrativelitcs\ordinanceAmhordinancc-lecco-updatec] 9/1 /03 <br />
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